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Bonding How to make a skittish pig less skittish?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 9, 2012
I feel like I need a step by step, day by day guide... if one even exists... on how to make my piggy Minnie less skittish. She's impossible to pick up without the shoebox trick (thanks to this forum for that), and when I do get her out and try to hold her, she squirms constantly and I really can't pet or hold her.

When I try to pet her in the cage, the odd time she'll let me but she usually runs. I think I'm doing the right things, showing her my hand, speaking softly and bringing lettuce and veggies as treats.

She has a cagemate, Ming Ming who is totally the opposite, likes to be pet and cuddled.

Just not sure what to do to help her become less afraid... it seems to really stress her out to be picked up and even once out doesn't want to be held...

any suggestions most welcome! I can definitely be patient but I also feel that if I leave her alone and don't try, then she will never get used to it... not sure what the right thing is?
Have you tried once you got her out get a blanket and let her burrow in it. or a snuggle sac.
I have tried holding her in a blanket (ie towel trick) but she's still super squirmy and wants out. Other times she's out I set up the playpen area so they both can have some floor time... because if she's not contained she will find a corner of the room under a table and just hide, so then I feel bad because she's clearly scared...
I'd like to know some tips too! Both of my piggies are super skittish- I have only had them a couple days but I worry if I don't start handling them they will never let me!! Sorry I can't help u minniemingming
At least I'm not alone GandR4212 - hopefully someone out there can help!
I am having the same trouble, skittish Guinea Pigs. I have been trying to feed them thier salad by hand in the morning and it is working. They will come up to me and sometimes stand on my hand to get a carrot, a piece of lettuce or cucumber. Carrots are their favorite by far. Ours are so scared that they spend most of the day in their hut, only coming out if they are really hungry.

Today I took out all the hides and they were running around like crazy, making all kinds of piggy noises. I fed them a bit more carrot and then put their hides all back in. I find that if they don't have a hide to run to, they will come up to me. Today, was the best day as they all (3) came up to me.

I gathered them all up and put them in a basket with fleece on the bottom. I took them up to my daughter's room and we held and had them on our chest for about an hour. I find that if they are in the blanket they aren't so scared and seem more at ease. Tomorrow I plan on changing the C&C cage to a different room and putting it on the floor so I can build a partician across the room so they can have floor time. I don't know if they are going to be too nervous to venture out, but I am going to give it a shot.....

If anyone else has any ideas on how to tame guinea pigs, I sure would like to know how.....
Handle her as much as you can and offer her snacks while you hold her. When you go to pick her up, don't cast a shadow on her and try not to hover over here. Some guinea pigs are just nervous by nature. She might never be as friendly as the other one but she will calm down a bit if you don't give her a reason to be afraid.
Age has something to do with it--babies and youngsters often are too curious and active to sit nicely. They want to explore.

Most pigs just don't like being messed with while in their cages.

The more you handle them, the more they will get used to it, and used to you. Guinea pigs are highly food motivated, so bribe them.

Keep in mind that some pigs will never like being handled, and always be hard to catch and cuddle with. Accept them for the way they are!
Thank you for the advice. I will try to catch her tomorrow. She's very smart. Now she sees the shoebox and won't go near it - so it's getting harder to get her in there and forget picking her up with my hands she's super fast! I'll have to get more resourceful. She is still young (5 months) so hopefully will mellow out a bit. I was reflecting that she nows takes food from me and she didn't at first, so perhaps it's just a slow process, and as you said @foggycreekcavy they are all individuals!!
Hi, I'm no expert, but I found that when I had my piggies in their playpen for floor time if I sat in the playpen with them, talking softly to them, not moving or trying to catch them they eventually started moving around and exploring my legs, stocking feet, etc. They ran around behind me and ate hay, etc. while I sat there reading or whatever. That seemed to get them used to me and then it seemed easier to slowly get them used to me. Also as others have said, handling them adds to their security. It takes a long time but one day....
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