Yesterday after I gave my girls their dinner, they posed for a lovely photo.
This got me thinking about what everyone else piggies favourite foods are.
Mine will pretty much eat anything, some of it just gets left till last!
But their all time favourites seem to be:
Parsley (this doesn't last 1 minute!),
All types of lettuce,
And cucumber.
My mom had boys when I was younger and they all loved beetroot but my girls aren't keen.
Here are my girls enjoying lunch, their names are (l-r) Brownie, Smudge and Buttercup.
This got me thinking about what everyone else piggies favourite foods are.
Mine will pretty much eat anything, some of it just gets left till last!
But their all time favourites seem to be:
Parsley (this doesn't last 1 minute!),
All types of lettuce,
And cucumber.
My mom had boys when I was younger and they all loved beetroot but my girls aren't keen.
Here are my girls enjoying lunch, their names are (l-r) Brownie, Smudge and Buttercup.