I am so incredibly frustrated! Today my principal came in and informed me that as of next school year she will no longer be allowing teachers to bring in pets with fur/hair. She wanted to be give me a heads up because of my two little ones and to warn the other Kindergarten teacher because of her gerbil. Our principal is a new administrator and so worried about liability that she has cut and/or cancelled many worthwhile trips, projects and endeavours. This is just one more thing to make it to the chopping block. I have always understood that should a child with allergies come into my class the piggies would have to go. This is board policy. A statement that no pets are allowed in the school is a principal's decision - one she has the right to be make, but not one that I feel is in the best interest of the children.
I recognize that some people here are not in favour of guinea pigs being kept as classroom pets. My arguement has always been and will continue to be that I am an excellent care-giver. I take extreme care when travelling with them, which is frequently so that they are never alone for long periods of time. They have huge cages both at home and at school (I have a very large classroom with a whole area dedicated to the piggies!). The children are never allowed to feed or play with them unsupervised. I have done unit studies on our guinea pigs - we read stories, wrote about them and their care, had them taste test their favourite fruits and veggies, even designed cages for them! I have Grade 3 helpers who come down every day to help me take care of them and they have learned a lot too.
I teach in a neighbourhood where very few children have pets. This is both for financial and cultural/ethnic background reasons. Having pets, and adorable piggies in particular, has been a wonderful learning opportunity for the children in my class. They have learned so much from all their experiences with them!!! When I spoke my mind that I felt this was a wrong decision, I was told that children can go to the zoo if they want to see animals!!! GRRR!!! It was so maddening. Guinea pigs are domestic animals - PETS - not zoo animals. Going to a zoo WILL NOT teach the children the basics of animal care that having a classroom pet will.
Well, I just wanted to vent so thanks for hearing me out. I will just have to find some way to bring some of experiences back to the kids without the piggies actually being there. Set up a pet corner maybe with new pictures all the time and books! I am still allowed to keep my class fish. (I am supposed to feel lucky that she is allowing that!) It won't teach the children to keep their voices down when around something smaller than them, to pet animal fur gently in the direction it grows, that pets need to be cleaned and fed and watered every day, that we do not feed guinea pigs playdough....
Any suggestions or ideas that anyone has would be appreciated.
Oh, and please don't worry about the piggies - they'll be fine here at home and will probably be glad that they no longer need to commute to 'work'! I am piggy lover through and through, I just really wanted to share (and keep sharing) that passion with the children I teach. I'd like to think that someday some of them will grow up and become responsible pet owners themselves.
I recognize that some people here are not in favour of guinea pigs being kept as classroom pets. My arguement has always been and will continue to be that I am an excellent care-giver. I take extreme care when travelling with them, which is frequently so that they are never alone for long periods of time. They have huge cages both at home and at school (I have a very large classroom with a whole area dedicated to the piggies!). The children are never allowed to feed or play with them unsupervised. I have done unit studies on our guinea pigs - we read stories, wrote about them and their care, had them taste test their favourite fruits and veggies, even designed cages for them! I have Grade 3 helpers who come down every day to help me take care of them and they have learned a lot too.
I teach in a neighbourhood where very few children have pets. This is both for financial and cultural/ethnic background reasons. Having pets, and adorable piggies in particular, has been a wonderful learning opportunity for the children in my class. They have learned so much from all their experiences with them!!! When I spoke my mind that I felt this was a wrong decision, I was told that children can go to the zoo if they want to see animals!!! GRRR!!! It was so maddening. Guinea pigs are domestic animals - PETS - not zoo animals. Going to a zoo WILL NOT teach the children the basics of animal care that having a classroom pet will.
Well, I just wanted to vent so thanks for hearing me out. I will just have to find some way to bring some of experiences back to the kids without the piggies actually being there. Set up a pet corner maybe with new pictures all the time and books! I am still allowed to keep my class fish. (I am supposed to feel lucky that she is allowing that!) It won't teach the children to keep their voices down when around something smaller than them, to pet animal fur gently in the direction it grows, that pets need to be cleaned and fed and watered every day, that we do not feed guinea pigs playdough....
Any suggestions or ideas that anyone has would be appreciated.
Oh, and please don't worry about the piggies - they'll be fine here at home and will probably be glad that they no longer need to commute to 'work'! I am piggy lover through and through, I just really wanted to share (and keep sharing) that passion with the children I teach. I'd like to think that someday some of them will grow up and become responsible pet owners themselves.