tipical day: mourning beans on toast sausages and bacon
lunch: ham and cheese sandwiches roast chicken crisps, packet of haribo and those jelly carton things
dinner: well there are loads of things but they will always have meat in them.
litrally every thing they eat has some kind of meat in it.
its hard being vegitarian with them lot.
What do you mean that you work with meat? My friends do, but not as much as before. Some people at school think it's weird that I am willing to volunteer in an animals shelters. They think it's weird to care about animals full stop!
I do quality assurance. I've had this job long before being veg and as I see it if I quit they probably won't replace me (they are supposed to have 3 QAs on day shift but they only have 2. They only got the second one because he doubles as the computer guy but since he fixed all the computers he's just been QA) I'm also the strictest QA they've had (they hate me for that) and I reject more things then any QA they've had. So if I quit I'm saving them money. If I stay I make it more expensive to produce their products.
We don't kill. We buy everything like you would get it at the store (whole chickens and such). The only thing that is different is the beef. It comes in slabs large enough to feed quite a few people.
Working with meat makes it easier to go veg. As QA when you spot so many bad habits and correcting people when you are one of the few that care is impossible. Besides now I really know what hot dogs are made of. Yuck.
I QA two plants. Many people in the processing plant (comes in raw, goes out raw) are veg. Nobody in the cooked plant is. The owner's son works at the cooked plant. He gets on my case for not supporting the industry. i told him how bad meat makes me sick and he leaves me alone now.
I just hope and wait for the day the owner (the one with the most money at least) gets the bright idea to start making soy products. He's actually really big on cutting edge technology. Some of the equiptment he has is one of a kind. He's also a health nut so it'll happen sooner or later, if the other owner's son doesn't get to him first.
How do you assure quality in a meat plant? I'm not being sarcastic - I'm genuinely interested in what kind of process that is. If you don't eat to assess the taste and such, do you just examine it for obvious defects?
No, since it's raw and going to another plant we don't have to test much. The only thing we have to cook is the frozen chicken breast and I do not have to eat it nor does the other QA. He won't eat it due to his religion and I won't due to my convictions. We have a small army of hungry workers to taste it for us. We just have to keep track of what peice is what so when a worker says "This peice tastes strange" then we know what batch it is.
Everything else we do is going somewhere else to get who knows what else done to it. Since it will alter the taste there is no point in testing for that. We test for bacteria and do physical examinations of a percentage of production. We also make sure a good temperature is maintained.
I have recently become vegetarian and I agree that it can be difficult around meat eaters. However , I believe that it is all about freedom of choice, I wouldn't ruin your relationship with your brother over the fact that he wanted to eat meat.
Try and show your brother how good lternative meals can be though, he might be pleasently surprosed!
I am a vegetarain beacause of a few reasons. 1. is that I do not want to eat something that used to walk around! 2. Is because I really love animals and and I figure if I don't eat meat then I am saving lives.