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Other Pot Belly Pig Experts NEEDED!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Aug 25, 2013
Hi, I just recently rescued two pot belly pigs a brother and sister from a neighbor that was neglecting them. Unfortunately, I have a feeling the female "Penny" is pregnant but I can't say for sure. They are roughly 4 months old, so they're still babies. Anyways, penny has an extremely swollen vulva and it has been for the almost two weeks I've had them. Is she in heat, pregnant or does she have a UTI? Isn't 2 weeks a long time for a pot belly pig to be in heat? Also, she excretes a white/clear jello like discharge from her vulva, it almost resembles a bunch of tiny white balls clumped together and has a jello consistency. I have tried posting this on other forums such as backyard herds but I haven't received any replies. Thanks in advance!


Penny2.jpg Penny3.jpg
Even though she is pretty young is it possible that she might have what is called a Pyometra? That is an infection of the uterus. I know in a dog a swollen vulva with a discharge is a sign of an infection. Does she seem sick in any other way?

Hmm..hopefully it's not Pyometra, that is if pigs can even get it. It sounds pretty serious! She seems to be fine eats well, like a "pig" lol except for one time when It was veggie time she only ate a few bites and as I was petting her she seemed almost paralyzed and wouldn't move and normally she's terrified of me touching her, but maybe she is just getting used to me unlike her brother which is still pretty skittish, but its only been 2 weeks so I don't blame him. Also, I have been feeding them a larger than normal ration because they did come to me fairly thin, penny of course is bigger than her brother and tends to eat more so maybe she just happened to be full at the time?
Haha! I feel bad for the vet assistant though. I have one pig "moo" (we have 5) we rescued as an adult she's roughly 8 and I can sometimes be afraid of her because she becomes quite moody around that time of the month and often throws a tantrum/sways her head at me if I don't give her a treat :p

I really hope she's not pregnant as well! Especially since her litter would be inbred :/
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