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My First Cuddle Cup!!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 24, 2011
Got to make my first cuddle cup last night, and I'm very proud!! Oh, and Ginger looooovvveeesss it!!! I've never get so relaxed, and yawn so many times! lol Also, thanks for all the help @spy9doc and @(broken link removed) and everyone else who helped me! :)

[GuineaPigCages.com] My First Cuddle Cup!!
[GuineaPigCages.com] My First Cuddle Cup!!
Very nice! Ginger seems to really like it!
Thanks! Yeah, it took me forever to get that picture because my phone kept telling me my memory was full, so I had to take, delete. Take, delete. Take, delete, etc. until, take, yay I got a good one!! lol
Looks great . She looks snuggled!
It looks great!
Oooh awesome
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