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In Heat Is this a sign of being in heat?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 10, 2012
I have two female piggies, both are about 2 months old. When I was playing with them on the floor this evening I noticed some hay stuck to the underside of one of my girls. I pulled it off and noticed a clear kind of sticky discharge from her vaginal area. She is eating fine, not lost any weight, drinking normally. Her pee is normal in color and texture no blood in the urine. I have read that sometimes when in heat the mucus plug dissolves. Is this what the discharge could be or is this a sign of UTI?
Probably the mucus plug -- pigs with a UTI either have bloody urine, or squeak while peeing, or their urine has a definite smell, or a combination of those.
About how long will it take for the mucus plug to come out completely? Should I be watching her for the next 24-48 hours?
It's out. You don't need to do anything else unless you notice something amiss with her.
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