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help pregnant piggy


Cavy Slave
Jul 30, 2004
well i am new to this i have had these about 6 months well i thought my pig (brownie)was just getting fat because she ate alot but today as i was holding her i felt the babies move i was like wwaaaaaaaaa

how do you know whenit's almost time for the babies to arive and what should i feed brownie i feed them carrots and pellet food?

any help please plus any thing i should expet or be aware of should i remove the male who the whole time we thought was a girl thank for any help

thanks vince
You should feed her alfalfa hay and check out this site. It explains everything.https://www.guinealynx.com/breeding.html Keep us posted on her progress.

Oh, you shouldent feed any pig carrots every day because they have too much calcium or something. I'll check to see what it is and get back to you.
Wow! I can't believe they were together 6 months before she got pregnant!

Yes, you should remove the male before she gives birth. Female piggies can get pregnant right after giving birth. Also, you will need to separate the male baby piggies from their mother when they are 3 weeks old so they don't get her pregnant (!) You will have boys in 1 cage, girls in another. Otherwise, you'll end up with 100 babies...

Also, if your female piggy is over 8 months old, she might have problems giving birth
so check with your vet about this.

You should be feeding your pigs a variety of vegetables as well as hay. Pellets and hay are important too. See https://www.guinealynx.com/healthycavy.html#diet for detailed
info on what to feed them. With carrots, the most you should feed them is 1 baby carrot everyday.
well we bought brownie first then we thought we would buy a second one to keep her company we really thoght that chocalate was a girl she was about 4 to 5 weeks when we bought her so it did take a while to get her prego but it happend

thanks for everyones help and i will keep ya all informed

thank again vince
i am so excited
Yet another reason you don't buy from pet stores.

Are you feeding hay? What kind of pellets? You should look over the diet advice at guinealynx.com too. They need greens and hay. Just carrots don't work.

Go to cavyspirit.com too and look at the sexing guide. You need to learn how to do this to sex the babies and separate any males at 3 weeks.
rabbitsncavyluv said:
Yet another reason you don't buy from pet stores.

Are you feeding hay? What kind of pellets? You should look over the diet advice at guinealynx.com too. They need greens and hay. Just carrots don't work.

Go to cavyspirit.com too and look at the sexing guide. You need to learn how to do this to sex the babies and separate any males at 3 weeks.
don't get me wrong i am not mad about the babys i am really excited.
i am willing to take care of all of them and think it's really cool and i love all my pets
i am going to take them to the vet after they are about 2 and 1/2 weeks to make sure i don't have any more though. hopfully she don't have 8 or so that would be way to many.

thanks for the info
I'm glad you are being responsible and I hope your sow has an easy birth, but a simple search on petfinder shows over 60 homeless guinea pigs in Michigan.

Many people do not want a breeding pair and they end up dumping the babies and the existing pair. I have one such pair right now, left at a high kill shelter. They had mites. She gave birth a few days ago to three babies.

If you had adopted, you would have saved two lives and not ended up with a breeding pair. If you wanted babies or more guinea pigs, you could have adopted more too.

If you end up with all boy babies or all girls, consider adopting a same sex friend for whoever is left alone if you don't neuter the boar.

fbiguy007 said:
don't get me wrong i am not mad about the babys i am really excited.
i am willing to take care of all of them and think it's really cool and i love all my pets
i am going to take them to the vet after they are about 2 and 1/2 weeks to make sure i don't have any more though. hopfully she don't have 8 or so that would be way to many.

thanks for the info
Please do tell us what kind of hay, what veggies, and what type of pelleted feed you are using. Thanks, it helps us to help you if we know more about what's going on. Good luck with the little ones and the delivery!
mncavylover said:
Please do tell us what kind of hay, what veggies, and what type of pelleted feed you are using. Thanks, it helps us to help you if we know more about what's going on. Good luck with the little ones and the delivery!
the pellets are from hartz
it says it has alfalfa meal in it
200 mg of vitamin c

i feed them one baby carrot a day they don't eat the kale or parsly
they love the carrots

what are other veggies that they might eat

what about stawberries

thanks vince

it is now 12:17 am and she is restless doesn't want me to leave her cage just wants me to keep petting her consontly
Romaine is a good place to start for fresh veggies. Most any green, leafy veggie will do.


Very detailed info on proper guinea pig nutrition.

Even though she's pregnant, you'll still need plenty of fresh grass hay like timothy or bluegrass. Alfafla will give her the extra calcium she needs, too.

By the way, Hartz pellets are CRAP. They contain harmful ingredients like preservatives and animal byproducts. Dump those and order Oxbow or Proforma pellets from Kleenmama.

(broken link removed)

(broken link removed)

Good luck with the pregancy.
Try endive lettuce, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, green peppers, and apples.
See the food thread for more info about Hartz. They're really bad.

See Chad's links! They're great.
I think I've read at a few places that Gatorade was good to give pregnant sows for energy... though I'm not exactly sure if this is good info or not. Can anyone verify this?
You're kidding, right? How could refined sugar, artificial flavors and artificial colors be good for anyone...let alone guinea pigs? Where alternate reality did you read this in?
Haha... well I guess it isn't good info then.

I saw it on some site (can't remember now) and then in this guinea pig book I got, but I realized long ago that the book is meant for the trash.
Hmm. It's always interesting how the products with the biggest profit margins are the ones most heavily marketed...How something that costs 1/2 cent to make and sells for 2 dollars has all these 'scientific' studies 'proving' how healthy it is for you...
People keep saying Tang is a good source of vit c too, when it is nothing but sugar. Don't give them anything but water (unless it's like medicine or something).
I agree, skip the gatorade. =)
fbiguy007 said:
well i am new to this i have had these about 6 months well i thought my pig (brownie)was just getting fat because she ate alot but today as i was holding her i felt the babies move i was like wwaaaaaaaaa

how do you know whenit's almost time for the babies to arive and what should i feed brownie i feed them carrots and pellet food?

any help please plus any thing i should expet or be aware of should i remove the male who the whole time we thought was a girl thank for any help

thanks vince
Do you want to see pics? www.freewebs.com/katesguineapigs
just an update

still no baby piggys
she is so fat and waddles all over

she is eating and pooping regular and is wide eyed and comes over to me to pet her

the babys kick my hand when i feel her sides

i can feel at least two but i think there are more

this is her first litter
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