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cell phone pic of cage not yet finished

cell phone pic of cage not yet finished - Guinea Pig Cages

This is a picture of my newly built cage taken on my cell phone. I'm still rearranging things but I was just so excited I thought I'd share what I have so far. This is a basic 3x3x2 cage I built for my 6 month old rabbit, Rocky! He's just getting used to it but so far he likes the top!:)
Oh, I used an old politician's sign my boyfriend had lying around so the letters are his campaign ad.
well at least you like it cause Rocky will only stay in the top corner the whole day!
try putting his food some place else maybe he'll perk up

make the bottom a boxing ring, hang meat up for him to punch and train on, and he'll be the world heavy weight champion :)
Thanks, thats a good idea! (the first one, that is :) As for the second one, I'll think about it. LOL

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