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Hedgehog Cage

Hedgehog Cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the base level of our hedgehog cage. In a few weeks we're building an identical level for our other hedgie.
It is. It's a regular plastic igloo that you can buy at most petstores. A hedgehog breeder made all of the igloo covers/liners for us.
I love how it's all color coordinated!

but about the igloo; isn't the point of them so that you can see into them? I mean, what if one of your hedgehogs injures him/herself while they're in there? you won't know until like the next morning and that might be to late to save it, ya know?
The hedgehogs won't use the igloo when they're seethrough because its not dark enough for them. They sleep during the day, so the light seeps through the plastic.

I check the hedgies every morning anyway, so regardless of where they sleep, igloo or hedgie bag, they'll be checked in the mornings. There really isn't a lot to get hurt on in the cage either, only the wheel which is 100% hedgie safe.

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