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Homemade rat cage

Homemade rat cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the cage I constructed for my rats in 2004. It's 4' long, 3' tall, and 2' wide. It can house up to 12-13 rats, but currently only holds four (Mulligan, Morgan, Winterbane, and Fitzherbert).
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Do the rats go in the hamocks? I'm guessing there's doors there that close then? Looks great!
[FONT="Arial"]They actually LOVE hammocks. Pocket hammocks especially :) It's a good thing that I make them myself (and sell them), otherwise I'd constantly be buying them. I swear, there's nothing cuter than a rat/ferret/hamster/pigger sleeping in a hammie.

And yep! The cage has double doors. Here's a picture:

Wow! That's a pretty impressive, colorful and spacious cage! Great job! I love those hammocks! I want to get one for my piggy, but I am afraid he want use it, although it never hurts to try. I know you sell them and probably don't want to reveal your secret :shhh: , but how do you make them?

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