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Homemade rat cage

Homemade rat cage - Guinea Pig Cages

This is the cage I constructed for my rats in 2004. It's 4' long, 3' tall, and 2' wide. It can house up to 12-13 rats, but currently only holds four (Mulligan, Morgan, Winterbane, and Fitzherbert).
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Not at all. All of it is covered in linoleum/tile, so I just have to sweep everything out, spray with a bleach/water solution, and wipe dry. Very easy!
Could you give me the specs on the cage? I'd love to make it for my ratties or something like it. :) Thank you in advance!
We cant say enough how cool the cage is...
I was wondering, is that fabric on top what you make the hammocks out of and do you have a website people can buy from?
Just a little update...

I actually sold my homemade cage and bought two Ferret Nations for my rats :) I just uploaded pictures!

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