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/should there be an easyonthefeet drop pan



/should there be an easyonthefeet drop pan

I have one cavy that was given to me by my boss whose kids no longer wanted. He is a wonderful boy and it wasnt until just recently that I found this website and realized his cage is not up to par. (he is in the biggest zoozone cage-not enough ventilation)
anyway I came across cavycages and have learned much.
But my problem is that I also came across (broken link removed) and in that site it is mentioned
"If you use a plastic bottom cage, there is obviously no risk at all of broken or trapped legs. However your cavies will tend to be sitting in their pee & poop. Why? Well a plastic bottom cage is typically lined with newspapers. Above that is shavings & perhaps some hay. Cavies tend to pee & poop non stop. In no time, all the shavings, papers, etc will be soaked in gross stuff.

Can you imagine your cavies lying in their urine & poop everyday? During colder seasons, their chances of catching a flu is increased 'cos they're in contact with wet surfaces. Besides that, there's also the possibility that they will get skin problems due to the frequent contact with pee & poop. Some cavies have even developed urinary tract infections due to this. Also, pity the poor dears who have to smell that gunk all the time! "
With the C&C cages it is a solid bottom so arent they hard to keep clean.
The site also said " But I change the bedding!", you wail in protest. Oh sure, but how often can you change the bedding? I used to change the bedding once a day & found that it was not enough 'cos the bedding was always drenched in pee. The only way you can prevent them from lying in their own waste is to change the bedding hourly which is impossible!

There are some people who believe this problem can be solved by using sufficient bedding. 20 pieces of newspapers. Ok, that's possible. 4 inches of shavings or CareFresh (bedding made from tree pulp). Now that's tough! Firstly let's talk about cost. Pine & cedar shavings are cheap but bad for cavies. Kiln dried pine tends to be dusty unless covered with hay & Care Fresh is perfect except for the price. How many of us can afford to use 4 inches of Care Fresh daily or even twice a week? Some suggest putting dog or cat litter below the shavings to absorb the pee. This is not recommended 'cos there's a strong chance your cavy will eat the litter & that's toxic!

You can use 20 inches of shavings but I feel that the problem is still existant. The fact is the pee & poop are trapped at the top of the bedding & have no place to go. The pee is not gonna "sink & disappear". Thus your cavies end up lying in their waste. This can be overcome only if you sit by the cage 24 hours a day. The minute they pee or poop, you replace the wet area. But that's not possible. Even if you change the bedding every hour. Firstly how many of us can afford the time to do that? Secondly, cavies can pee & poop a lot within an hour. And they would have been moving about on wet bedding within that hour. "
HOW CONFUSED I AM. In the end the site mentioned a marchioro cage that has a plastic drop pan. It seems good but I cant find any and I would rather modify a homeade cage to make my own drop pan. Perhaps even just part of the cage to have a drop pan...like were he eats since that is where he seems to do his business the most. I just dont know how I would do that.
Any ideas?
sorry for the very very long post but I hope to get some help.


Re: /should there be an easyonthefeet drop pan


The ideal solution which balances health and cost is about an inch to an inch and a half of shavings--preferably Aspen, but kiln-dried pine will work, covered with a light layer of CareFresh.

If you are talking about Derrick's website, he is in Singapore and has a different perspective on guinea pig products and what is proper. I take issue with a few of his statements on his site, especially what you quoted. BTW, I think you are borderline on copyright infringement by quoting so much. Also, the link you provided doesn't work. I think you are referring to this site: members.tripod.com/cyberpiggies/
Re: /should there be an easyonthefeet drop pan

Sorry about the link, it is definately wrong. Since I stated where all the info came from and put it in quotes I though I was safe--certainly dont want to infringe on copy rights. I see I need to do some research on the matter !!

Also I do use aspen shavings currently but they are costly. He just pees so much!! :) Kinda like my 2yr old dgt who doesnt want to potty train.

Anyway I will be looking for the C&C supplies this week. I think it will be fun.

Thanks a bunch!!
Re: /should there be an easyonthefeet drop pan

You'll find that with a larger cage and proper bedding, the urine and poop isn't the problem that it is with smaller cages. On average, with a 2x4 grid cage with 2 or 3 cavies, you'll need to do a full cleaning once a week and spot clean once or twice mid-week and they will be happy and not living in their own filth.
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