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Manufacturers or Distributors?


Active Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 14, 2004
Does anyone know of any of the manufacturers or distributors of any of the brands of storage cubes? Looking to buy wholesale and the brand I bought I can't find anything on.
I got mine at Target, $9.99 for a pack of 24 grids, 26 connectors. They are made by TriCam Industries, 1-800-6763 https://tricamindustries.com/ Product number 111-02 Hope that helps.
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Seville is one of the wholesalers. They are manufactured overseas. China and Korea.

I've looked into purchasing wholesale. Not a possibility. We are all extremely small potatoes compared to their normal customers.
I agree with CavySpirit, there's just no way we can buy wholesale without buying hundreds of them! I think you'll just have to settle with something on the list at www.guineapigcages.com/where.htm. Good luck!
NoVeil said:
I got mine at Target, $9.99 for a pack of 24 grids, 26 connectors. They are made by TriCam Industries, 1-800-6763 www.tricam.com Product number 111-02 Hope that helps.

How long ago did you get them?? Does target still have them??
Well I was looking to buy a rather large amount but I guess I probably still wouldn't be looking at the numbers they would expect me to order. May just have to take a trip up Chicago way and find a Costco as these seem to be the best deal. If anyone comes across anthing please let me know. Thanks
I hope you can find something! How many are you looking for?

Yes, Target still has them. Just answered this question on another thread, but here it is again:

They are in the organizational shelving section, along with things like bookcases, etc. They are usually $14.99, but are sometimes on sale for $9.99--not too bad. They are in packs of 24 grids with plenty of connectors. =)
Target allows you to place a "bulk order". If you buy the last ones on the shelves at sale time when they're 9.99, get a rain check. Then you can go to Guest Services and place a bulk order for that item (#085110175).

I spoke with a merchandising and product manager at the Target Headquarters in MN today. Here's the scoop:

The regular "Organize-it 14" x 14" wire storage cubes" (item# 085110175 white and 085110185 black) are definitely NOT discontinued. In fact, they have tons on order for distribution throughout the country.

The "Room Essentials" chrome-type 12" x 12" grids (item# 081080253)-- the ones that some people thought that Target might be switching to are the ones that have been discontinued. They are just clearing out what is left in the stores.

Unfortunately, the multi-colored Store-it Kid’s Wire Cubes with the mesh type openings, HAVE been discontinued from Target.

Quarter-round grids: One place you can find them online is KC Store Fixtures in MO (800) 862-0899. They are sold separately for 1.20 each plus shipping - or you can buy a kit containing several.

Thanks so much CCcages. I'll have to try and get down to Target and see what they have. From what it sounds like they are a pretty good deal. The last ones I bought for the bunny cage were at Shopko on sale and they were a pretty good deal too. I would assume they would work the same way if I can catch them on sale. Will keep my eye out and see what I can find.
I got mine at target for $9.99. I got 17 grids and 24 connecters.
Ok just got my local Target sale flyer, and they have a six set of cubes on sale for $11 a box. Heading down tomorrow to check them out. Thanks.
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