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Height of Edges


UP Lisa

Height of Edges

Hello. I am wondering how high I should make the Coroplast sides of my cage. Did all of you do the 6" ones? How is that working out? I'm wondering if a couple more inches wouldn't cut down on the mess a little more? Or do you find that 6" is enough?

Thanks for any advice.


Re: Height of Edges

Originally I had only 2 inches around the frame. But that was when I had only 1 pigger. Now I have 2 and they run around like crazy. So I have since put up 6" frame. Less mess on the floor. :) In heinsight I would have just done 6 to begin with.

P.S. My newest pigger can go through the squares in the cubes! So 6" makes me feel better. :)

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I think it's the minimum, I wish I had done higher edges, boy can that bedding fly!



Flying bedding...

I was reading through the posts here and came across one where someone said they used screen material to keep bedding in the cage. The same material you use to replace the 'screen' in your screen door - just cut it to size and tie it up securely to the cubes. It sounds like a wonderful idea, one I've yet to put into practice but should be doing soon. My boys run such laps that there is always bedding on my carpet (and in my hallway, and down my stairs, in the bathroom, in the office, even tracked into the car!!).


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i wondered the same question

i got myself an aswer, i think 6 inches is too low! for both chewing and bedding purposes.

try 7 or 8 and tell us how it goes!
Re: well

Here's the trade-off.

Visual contact with your pigs.

Water bottles. At 6", water bottles fit perfectly on top of the Coroplast. Higher and you'll have to be more creative.

Try doing 12" sides on the back wall, assuming your cage goes up against a wall, 7 or 8 inches on the sides, and leave 6" on the front. Put a hay rack against the back wall with more protection.


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I put my coroplast on the outside around the cubes. This makes it easier to hang things from the sides. Also my boyfriend cut the coroplast wrong when we originally made the cage so he made it a bit too big. But it all worked out in the end. I made shelves that hang from the side and I also hang their food dish from the side. More floor space means more exercise.


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Re: chewing....

Oh. I just can't imagine cleaning it that way!
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