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coroplast seams crack & break?



coroplast seams crack & break?

Has ANYone else had this happen??
I bought 4mm coroplast from a sign store. We DID score it before bending..When we were bending it to make the sides the coroplast would "snap"! and there are alot of broken seams, NOT just the corners!
I am wondering if we were give the wrong material? Or, if coroplast is too old would it do this??
We just covered the seams with tape so we could move our piggy into his new place... but I think we might have to replace the whole bottom.


camcage1.jpg camcage1.jpg
Re: coroplast seams crack & break?

The only time I've had the seams crack and break is moving an older, used cage bottom or if I scored too deeply. Otherwise, I've never had a problem like that. It's possible you got a bad batch, I guess.

You snapped and bent the coroplast away from the scored side, right?

<img src="https://www.guineapigcages.com/images/cage6.jpg" style="border:0;"/>


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Re: coroplast seams crack & break?

thanks for your reply.
yes we did fold it away from the seam, but when we were turning it over to do that the sides sagged the wrong way for a moment.. and it just seems to crack if it moves at all.
BUT the stuff "I" got doesn't have any of the lines that I see on your closeup photo!?? Does all coroplast have those "grain" lines? If so, then I got the wrong material.
Re: coroplast seams crack & break?

It all looks like that. Sounds like you didn't get the right material.


pablo profile pic.jpg
Re: coroplast seams crack & break?

yep, that sure must be the problem.. and I paid $38.00 for the sheet of it! We are in a very small town, and the place just went to new ownership today- so I'm out of luck.
Now I have to go look for a source for the REAL thing!

Thanks for your help.

There is a locater on the homepage for this cavycages that can help you find it. Enter in your home state and it will list everyplace that people have posted they have bought it there. If no luck there, check your yellow pages for a custom sign shop. It took me 2 phone calls to find someone 2 minutes from my work who sells it.
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