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Mites Cinnamon's Medical Thread


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 11, 2015
I recently found these bald spots on Cinnamon on his under/side belly on both sides... The bald areas are right where her foot is when she sleeps. They look very clean and I see small hairs growing back. She hasn't been scratching or biting recently, (actually my 2 younger pigs have been scratching WAY more than she has...)

Should I be concerned, or are these natural bald spots? I looked through the hair for mites, but I'm not really sure what I should be looking for, what color are mites and lice?

[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread

Thanks! (oh and if this is Cinnamon's medical thread, could I edit the title next time?)
Re: Should I be concerned? Mites, Lice, or ?

It could be mites (I am not a vet) mites are microscopic. It wouldn't hurt to treat th her if she is over 6 months I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong)
How old is Cinnamon? Do her nipples look crusty?

That hair loss pattern is actually suggestive of ovarian cysts, although no guarantee of them. They're definitely not natural hair spots, and not at all likely to be due to lice or mites, especially since there's no scratching. Mites generally don't cause that pattern of hair loss.

I'd get her to a vet for an ultrasound to see what's going on.
She is 4-5 (i'm not sure since I adopted her and they couldn't tell exactly) Here's how her nipples look:

[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread[GuineaPigCages.com] Cinnamon's Medical Thread

To me they don't look crusty, but I'd appreciate your feedback! I read up about Ovarian Cysts on the guinea lynx after reading your post. So do they remove it through spaying or what are the procedures. Does anyone have any experience with these, I think their fairly common?

Thank you so much! @bpatters
Her nipples look ok, but crustiness is sort of a secondary symptom -- the hair loss is the main one. However, it's possible to have hair loss without the cysts.

The only sure cure for cysts is spaying. Sometimes, if a pig is older or has some other illness, they'll try hormone injections or implants. They may work well for a while, not so well, well for a little while, or not at all.

If she were mine, I'd take her to an exotic vet for an ultrasound.
okay i'll talk to my mom about it... She doesn't have any other symptoms or odd things going on but i'll for sure keep an eye out and see if we can get an ultrasound. I'm not home for the week (my dad is caring for them) but i'll take her when I get back! Thanks for your help!! @bpatters
The nipples do look a bit like they might have some crust around them, especially the one on the right in the photo (that would be her left one?).
I was in contact with many vets around my city because my mom didn't want to return to our previous one, but in the meant time, her patches have completely disappeared, I can't even tell where they were!! Could it still be ovarian cysts? Maybe they cleared up? I'm very confused... @bpatters
If the patches cleared up, it's not likely to be cysts.

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Just keep watching her and don't worry unless something else turns up.
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