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Breeder's Cages

Slap Maxwell

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 1, 2005
After visiting a few breeder's websites, I was appalled at how many pigs they were cramming into tiny spaces. Like this:

I don't know, it just bothers me. This is like below minnimum standard here.
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Even though the g-pigs appear to be healthy, the cages in which they are kept is sickening!
Some more:

[GuineaPigCages.com] Breeder's Cages
I see this and it breaks my heart, for alot of people this is a touchy subject and that is understandable. I just rescued three piggies and I am just glad there are people like us slaves, who love and devote our time to them and provide them a good loving home and loads of room to run around.
Oh my goodness!! those aren't any bigger than the petstore cage I just moved Toffee out of!! And they have HOW MANY piggies in one cage?? I hope they get plenty of floortime. (I know, not likely, but I like to be optimistic)
Besides, isn't it really dangerous to have piggies in shallow cages like that...with no real walls or roof...especially stacked up on shelves like that?
I can only imagine how many poor pigs have fallen from those Rubbermaid-like "cages" and been injured (or killed)!

I mean, I realize that the shelf units have doors, but you know how fast and unexpectedly a piggy can jump...especially during feeding time!
those 'big' cages are the size of my smallest cages which house single boars. And even that is too small. I'm getting c&c cages though yay! Those pics are the worst I've ever seen.
jenjoie04 said:
Besides, isn't it really dangerous to have piggies in shallow cages like that...with no real walls or roof...especially stacked up on shelves like that?
I can only imagine how many poor pigs have fallen from those Rubbermaid-like "cages" and been injured (or killed)!

I mean, I realize that the shelf units have doors, but you know how fast and unexpectedly a piggy can jump...especially during feeding time!
Yeah, one of mine jumped once. And the height he jumped from was unbelievable. I had the door of his cage off just to put his food in, and he jumped out in those few seconds. Oh well... we learn from our mistakes :eek:
That's one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen! All those beautiful piggies, stuck in those prisons! They do look healthy but they won't be for long in those conditions, such a cramped space.
Pretty sad, isn't it? And those are the really good ones. It's why the highly respected so-called responsible breeders--the vast majority of the ACBA members--won't let the average Joe Schmoe in their place. Their standards are too low and they are NOT proud of their environments. They've got something to hide, despite all pathetic claims to the contrary behind their closed internet doors. They like to try to stir up the fear factor of ---ewww, those nasty animal rights--cavy huggers--will hurt us. What a bunch of crap. They just don't want the general cavy-loving public to know or see their real setups. Most of them still claim 2 square feet per pig is just totally fine.
Maybe we should put them in a room equivalant to a 2 sq feet cage . It might make them change their minds.
That's horrible. Thank gosd I've already decided that I want to help animals when I'm older.
Just in case anyones interested, I'm going to have an animal shelter in the country side and all animals will be welcome. I hope to have a farmhouse with many out buildings. I will convert 1 and a half barns into bedrooms with bathrooms making up the other half up and I'm going to invite classes to stay for a week charging £110- £180 pounds and teach them how to look after animals and what to do if they find injured animals etc. Also teach horse riding to people at £5 a lesson.
will anyone here do anything of the similar?
They look so sad, especially the ones looking over the side of their too-crowded cages. I can't help but remember the story about the breeder who died several months ago, leaving behind 500 pigs.

Can anyone read the post-it notes on the cages? One of those breeders is obviously showing his pigs, notice the prize ribbons hanging from the topmost cage.
I just read what this woman is saying about her "caviary". She says the pigs never jump out of the boxes and are not afraid of anything. She loves having all those piggies - some 100 of them - so nearby in her garage, next to the kitchen, and she really thinks those tiny little jail cells are "big" cages! This is horrible. But what do you expect from a person who kills a hamster because it bites?

I look at my Bonnie who can (and does) easily jump some 30 cm. I do NOT want to think of her in that woman's "loving care".
Jeez, that is almost the same as putting a cat in a dog bench! Horrible.. This makes me even happier with looking at my pigs in their big cage, knowing that they could have been there!
WHile I must say that those piggies are kept in terrible cages, I have seen worse. Many breeders that I have seen have wire bottom or have like 20 pigs crammed into one little 2x2 box. These conditions are terrible, but at least the piggies look healthy at this moment (not sure for how long). I have so much trouble understanding this type of thing because we do not have small animal breeders in our area. We actually only have about 2 or 3 dog breeders and that's it, the rest of the babies are all from accidential/preventable pregnancies. I cannot imagine why people would even go to such places. It would be different if they were all kept in perfect conditions and had the best of care, but this is obviously not the case.
I did however want to point out that the piggies can't actually jump out of the cages because there is usually a wire door (you can see it on the top picture), but it appears to be open for feeding.
That's disgusting. I feel so bad for the piggie's.
I am crying for those poor piggies stuffed in those too tiny cages.
I don't see any hay in those cages. Where is the hay?

They're just breeding stock, who get pellets only and carrots once in awhile. Poor piggies.
Why am I being censored? I posted here yesterday and my post disappeared. :(
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