RileyPiggy Aug 19, 2004 I like your cage set up. Where did you get that type of cage, its is very roomy and I'd like to get one myself for my piggy.
I like your cage set up. Where did you get that type of cage, its is very roomy and I'd like to get one myself for my piggy.
Guinea pig guy Nov 5, 2004 That guinea pig house really does have rooms.Let's see it has a bed room,living room,play room and of course a dining room.
That guinea pig house really does have rooms.Let's see it has a bed room,living room,play room and of course a dining room.
cavy_maven Mar 8, 2005 Hi RileyPiggy, I built the cage, of course! My Baby Mu, that cage uses 66 grids in all, and one and a half sheets of coroplast. I'm thinking of building an addition to use up the rest of the Coroplast.
Hi RileyPiggy, I built the cage, of course! My Baby Mu, that cage uses 66 grids in all, and one and a half sheets of coroplast. I'm thinking of building an addition to use up the rest of the Coroplast.
Baubler Mar 13, 2005 Hi. Awesome habitat! I'm about to build my first c & c cage and could use your help. I'd like to know how many grids/cubes I need to support my cage. Please let me know. Thanks!
Hi. Awesome habitat! I'm about to build my first c & c cage and could use your help. I'd like to know how many grids/cubes I need to support my cage. Please let me know. Thanks!
Smudge & Monkey May 21, 2009 Awesome! I love this cage!!!!! Do you have anything supporting it on the end against the wall? It looks like the grid "legs" stop one grid back from the wall
Awesome! I love this cage!!!!! Do you have anything supporting it on the end against the wall? It looks like the grid "legs" stop one grid back from the wall