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I haven't been on for a while, so reintroduction and update.


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 5, 2014
Mar 5, 2014
I'm assuming this is okay seeing as I haven't been on the site for a while, last time I was I asked about Frank's hopping. Which all seemed fine.... But, I'll get to that.

For those who have never seen me on here, probably a good few! My names Heather and I have two wonderful and gorgeous piggies. Frank and Bert.

Bert's a recent addition, had him just over a month now! But him and Frank's bonding has thus been successful! WAHEY!

Frank was treated for mites and they apparently appeared to be gone. (They are both seeing a vet tomorrow due to some itching/fungal looking appearances).

About three weeks ago, Frank was 'diagnosed' with arthritis after getting a 'limp'. No x-Ray. Just assumption.
On speaking with an experienced cavy owner who runs a clinic, I deduced I was really not happy with any of Frank's treatment and thus last Monday I got him in to see a very respected cavy savvy vet.

Monday was a heartbreaking day as at a mere 640g, he had to have an x-Ray and I was mortified to say the least as I feared he wouldn't make it.

Outcome: he survived!
- bone infection
- arthritis
- muscle wastage
- bridges spine

He reckons this infection occurred in July. I'm yet to write my letter of complaint to the original vets. As I'm disgusted their negligence has lead to a worsened infection etc.

He has a check up next week Wednesday.

He's currently on:
Baytril 0.2ml twice daily - for infection, however I've been advised of a better alternative if it doesn't seem to be working
Metacam 0.5kg a day - split into two
Glucosamine 1ml twice daily

He certainly does seem to be improving so I'm hopeful and today he used his limpy leg to walk! :')

So here's my little update!



Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 28, 2013
Nov 28, 2013
Welcome back! I hope Frank gets better quickly now that he's been properly diagnosed and is getting good treatment. Poor little guy. And Bert is a cutie!
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