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Coroplast and grid cage question



Coroplast and grid cage question

I was going to get a GP and begin to do a cage but then I change my mind and instead I will get a dwarf bunny. I uld like to know if I need to put a roof on it to prevent the bunny to jump away from it.

Thank You,

Re: Coroplast and grid cage question

Definetly!!!! also Bunns like to stand on their back legs so the cage will need to be at least 2 panels high. hope this help

Have you considered keeping your bun free range? Rabbits are usually easier to litter train than pigs. You might still want a cage for an eating/bathroom area, though. I would suggest making a door with swing-out grids so the bun can come and go as he pleases during the day. If you want to keep him in the cage at certain times, for example at night, then yes, the cage will need to have a top. And like rabbitlover said, it needs to be fairly high (2 grids would be good).
Re: Bunnies

you can keep rabbits free but you must be aware of there habits. Rabbits like to chew. It is a fact of nature. They especially love chewing telephone cords, electical cords, and other things like that. Rabbits can also doble as apprasers. They can hop into any room and can pick the most expensive or treasured item to give a "face lift". Having a free range rabbit can be done but it require 24/7 super-vision, redecorating so the bun can't, and alot of patience while they are learning the rules. If you go this route do tonns of reading and be fully prepared!
Re: Bunnies

LOL!! :evil: appraisers!!!


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Thank You Everybody.

Till now I have a 2x3 wide with 2 of high with 3 second level since I read rabbits love more than 1 floor. I just need to put another row of grids in the front of it and the roof, get some coroplast for second level and ties for make some grids movement for door and for easy clean up.

About leaving the rabbit going out of it's cage it's a big NO NO, It will have his time out with supervision and will have grids around him, the room has too many wires for it to walk freely in it.

Does everything sounds fine?

Thanks again,



Re: Coroplast and grid cage question

That sounds great. A second level is a good idea. As for the wires, you can get plastic covers for them. If the room really isn't suitable, do you have another room(s) that you could use?

I think my cat is an appraiser too! LOL!

I don't have more room and luckily I could make place for the cage but I saw pics. of grids to put around the cage so it can play freely even if there are some places in the room where it is not allow. I'm home all day and stay most of my time in this room so I think he won't feel alone a we can make floor time together someday during the day. Routine will be made when I get the rabbit, now just planning and dreaming.
Oh well:)

you and me both just dreaming eh? Only for me it is A mini lop but hey to each her own right?:p But you are totally right floor time is very important, levels are important for jumping and such but saftey is number one. When building the other levels you will want to re-enforce them and also you don't need a ramp to the first one because they can jump but from the second to third you should have a ramp. I realise as i type this that, wait, she probally alredy knows this!!!! oh well i like being able to answer questions
It's very nice to count with you...

who have a rabbit and seem to know about them, their cages, etc.
The cage will have the mail level and a second one, no more than that, hope it's k for the bunny. Now u tell me to re-enforce second level but how and what I uld need for it?

Thans for everything,


PD. It's ok to talk here about bunnies even this is a GP forum or should I go to a bunny one?
Re: It's very nice to count with you...

If you go to this album on the Links page (Misc. Photos), you'll see some recent photos someone sent me of a 2 story rabbit cage and reinforcing it. I included the photos because I thought the ideas could be adapted for guinea pigs. They are good photos. Hope they help: imageevent.com/cavyspirit/cavycagesmiscellaneousphotos.

Talk about whatever you want.
I wish i didn't have so long to count!!!

The pictures above show very well how to reinforce those big shelves but for little shelves just some dowling and zipties will do. What i am going to do is attach the shelf with zipties loosly so it will fold up or down and add like "drawbridge" ties to either side so when i am cleaning it will fold up out of the way but still be safe for bun-bun:) does this make sense? it does in my head. You can always e-mail me at: [email protected]. Send me pics when you get the rabbit k?

I don't have a rabbit, just pigs and a cat...I love them though. Mini lops are also my favourites! :) When I go to pet stores to pick up bedding, food etc. I always try not to blinded by the cuteness of the animals but a few days ago when I went there was the cutest baby mini lop I have ever seen. You know they just look at you longingly as if to say "Please get me out of here"...Of course no time is a good time for an animal to be in a pet store but what an unfortunate time of year THIS is for a baby bunny to be there.

I'm sure you've done tons of research on rabbits but in case you didn't know dwarfs are very active (more so than larger breeds) and need a lot of exercise. Your idea for setting up a permanent "run" around the cage is a good one but it will have to be higher than just a cubes fence because a rabbit could easily hop over it!

I missed my oppritunity to get a rabbit...I almost adopted a dwarf from the SPCA many years ago, the sweetest, friendliest rabbit I've ever met and 100% litter trained too. He'd been raised with cats and I think he thought he was one. Unfortunately at the time we had a cat who couldn't get along with other animals. (And now, wouldn't you know, we have another one...she only barely tolerates the pigs!)

Anyway, good luck with your cage, I hope eveything works out. :)

Laura, Piglet ~..~ and Mitzi ~..~


2007-01-06 08.58.26.jpg
Hi all,


Unfortunately none of those cages are similar to mine to try to use their method for reinforcement but little by little I will find a way, I still have lot of time to figure out how I want the cage because I can't get the bunny till couple of months moreless. First I will have to be recuperating from a hip replacement surgery that will be done 4/29. as u see I have plenty time to figure out. Anyway thank you for the pics, I didn't saw all of them but saw plenty on this site which help me make mine.


My English it's not so good but your idea seem a good just I don't really know how to make what it's in your mind, but Hope how I do it works just fine, if it doesn't is always time to change with this kind of cages. Thank you for leaving your e-mail, I also have hotmail and put you in my MSN messenger list just in case.



I didn't answer you because ur post did appear when trying to reply and than had to go.

I had had many pets but petable can't really know. I have a cat that lives in my patio since I live in a townhouse and seem somebody abandoned her here, she likes me to scratch her and I feed her and give some treats. I wasn't a cat person but she is so nice cut, Well I'm liking all kind of animals now but where I live it's not easy to have pets, hope the bunny will do it.

About the cage I see it pretty big, it's 2 grid wide by 3 grids long and have a 3x1 second level (it's not done but that is the idea) Then with supervision I hope I can have some floor time with it and also hope I can get it outside with a leash and go to the park where is same grass for it to be on and surely have it as a treat. Just I'm afraid he can get something from outside.

Well. thanks for the info even u don't own any bunny, maybe someday u will.

read u,




Re:rabbit cage

I had C&C cages for the GPs when we wound up with a rescue bun. Now I have two, and they are free range (but are not big chewers, although they did get the modem cable and an electrical cord before I wised up). They have two cages, one is a 2x2x2 with no shelf, and the other is a 3x3x2 with a shelf. I put cube grids under the shelf as "legs" for added support, then put plastic "links" (for birds and buns) and connected the shelf to the top of the cage on the edge for more stability. I have mostly floor buns, so they don't use the shelf but like to hide underneath it. Good luck!
thank you everybody

If I was a rabbit I would love you to be my owner, with a cage like that I would live forever. LOL!!! I have a rabbit and its cage has three floors you tell me my rabbit does not have the live.

coroplast and grid cage question

If the cage is outside then you will need a roof so it will not rain on your bunny. If I were you I would get a roof even if the cage is in the house, dwarfs get big.



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