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Woody Pet Help


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
Hi. Does anyone use woody pet? I'm thinking off ordering it soon, but I need some reviews and/or comments about it. Any help would be much appreciated!
I've been using a similar horse bedding called Pestell. It is a pelleted wood, Aspen I believe. It really cuts down on odors and is super cheap! $5.00 for a 35lb. bag. We also use it for our Rabbit's litter boxes. But I wonder if it hurts his little feet? I put down several pieces of fleece for him to walk and lay on. I may buy some carefresh to put on top for comfort.
thanks. Iv heard that with water (or urine), woody pet turns into 'fluffy' bedding, so I'm too worried about it being too uncomfortable for the little guys. Same here, I can get a hige bag (approx 14Kg) for £5.00. Yay!
arent you suposed to spray water on the woody pet once its in the cage to make it fluffy .....
I think you can if you want, but its not a must
Is there anyone that uses woody pet that knows for sure if you spray it to make it fluffy or just leave it alone? I just found a store near me that sells 30 lbs of woody pet for under $5 and was thinking of trying it out when my current batch of kiln dried pine and aspen runs out.
yea i found woody pet a hassle ot use.First buy it then lay it down then spray it its a big bitch.Takes like just an hour to spray it down to get it fluffy :S.I rather spend the extra 10 bucks just to buy carefresh.
WildKingdom said:
I've been using a similar horse bedding called Pestell. It is a pelleted wood, Aspen I believe. It really cuts down on odors and is super cheap! $5.00 for a 35lb. bag. We also use it for our Rabbit's litter boxes. But I wonder if it hurts his little feet? I put down several pieces of fleece for him to walk and lay on. I may buy some carefresh to put on top for comfort.
I use wood stove pellets for my rabbit's litterbox and put shredded paper on top of that. My mom gets the shredded paper free from her work.
Ugh. I left the woody pet option, my local feed store stopped selling it. Also, the spraying it with water thing seems like a pain.
I got some Woody Pet and after the fact, noticed that is what my local pet shop uses in their cages. I think it would be hard on little piggy feet and I really didn't relish the idea of misting and fluffing everything. So I put down a thin layer of woody pet and then added kiln dried pine to the top of it. I used less than I normally would. I do like it in my bird cages but really, I think I will stick with pine/aspen mix.
I think that if you have to fluff it and it's hard, why buy the stuff? Also, if it takes that much water to spray it, what will it absorb after that? Just some thoughts, though I've never tried it.
NoVeil said:
I got some Woody Pet and after the fact, noticed that is what my local pet shop uses in their cages. I think it would be hard on little piggy feet and I really didn't relish the idea of misting and fluffing everything. So I put down a thin layer of woody pet and then added kiln dried pine to the top of it. I used less than I normally would. I do like it in my bird cages but really, I think I will stick with pine/aspen mix.

I use wood pellets sometimes, I don't spray them to make it fluffy, I just spread some aspen over the top. They are really cheap 3.99 for 32 lbs. But in the winter they absorb way to much moisture.
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