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Bloated Baytril and probiotics


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 1, 2011
Havok is on Baytril to prevent any futher spread of a URI. However, it is slowly starting to cause bloat. I need a Probiotic to provide him. Can I use any type of non dairy probiotic? Or is there specific kinds that are dangerous to him. My vet told me to go to a store called 'Tractor Depot' and get him a horse probiotic, and give him 1 ml once a day. That sounds a bit iffy to me. I called petsmart and they don't have any probiotics, but they have a Papaya Fruit extract that supposedly has digestive stuff in it.

Where should I get a probiotic? What brand? etc.
When my pig had to use a probiotic I just used human acidophilus capsules. The brand I bought was Jameson's. I popped open a capsule and sprinkled some on some wet veg and gave it to my pig 1.5 hrs before giving the antibiotic and 1.5 hrs after. I've only ever had to use a probiotic after my pig had surgery, so I'm not too sure about the horse probiotic, but hopefully someone will come along soon and help with that! I've heard that the best probiotic if half a poop from a healthy pig mixed with water. Do you have any other healthy guinea pigs that would be willing to sacrifice a special poop? You could also use Bene-Bac that is available in some pet supply stores.
Here's the GL page about probiotics, if you haven't seen it yet:
Would this work?

Nutrition Now PB 8 Pro-Biotic Acidophilus 120 Capso any form of Acidphilus works? I could go the drug store and pick up human brand? GuineaLynx says to use Acidophilus Gel caps, so I assume I can pick those up at walgreens?

And no, the two remaining pigs are both sick....
I just used acidophilus gel caps, and cracked them open and sprinkled some on veg. It worked well for us. I would assume you could get it at Walgreens, that's a drugstore right? When I went to pick some up I asked the pharmacist for help with which ones would be best for a guinea pig, with no weird additives. She was very helpful. I'm sorry that I can't be more help!
I ended up getting Bene-Bac Gel for small animals. Will that be sufficient?

EDIT: However, the directions on the Bene-Bac package are very vague. Post Weaning and Older: 1 tube up to 10lbs body weight, Use Gel two times, three days apart.

So am I supposed to use half a tube every three days on my 1.5 pound guinea pig?
I can't find anything on the Pet-Ag Benebac site about gel for small animals. Can you find a link or take a picture and post it? Or failing that, post what it says on the container about the strength and dosage? Thanks.
I give mine a pea sized dose of Benebac gel about an hour or so after each dose of Baytril. I have a guinea pig who developed bloat while on Baytril so I always give a probiotic with it. I prefer the gel because if they get bloat, they usually lose their appetite and don't want to eat the veggies with the powdered Benebac. If his belly is swollen, you should also give him baby simethicone: half the pediatric dose which is .15 ml. Massage his stomach gently. Bloat is very serious so keep an close eye on his to make sure he starts pooping.
This is the girlfriend- the cavy mama.
I'm so reluctant to give my little boy this stuff. "BENE-BAC Plus" (FOS & Probiotics)

Dirctions for "Post Weening and Older"
1 tube up to 10lbs. body weight. Use gel 2 times, 3 days apart. Place in mouth or mix with food.

He's still having poops- but, in my opinion, they are not much.
His tummy feels somewhat hard, and he appears bloated to me- but, as stated earlier, he still DOES have poops.

He also eats normally. (Except for his refusal to eat apples and carrots now)

He gets Baytril twice a day. .5mls.
So, I would give him a small dose (pea size or smaller) after each dose of Baytril he has after an hour? That seems like so much....especially when it says "use gel 2 times, 3 days apart"

I just want what's best for my little Havok.
ZBones, a probiotic is not a medicine, it is just a source of healthy gut bugs/ bacteria.

Move passed your reluctance and at least give him a little immediately. I would follow the advice of Ellisa and give him the healthy tummy bugs before and also after the antibiotic doses.

Keep in mind you are giving the body healthy tummy bugs with the probiotic and killing both healthy and unhealthy bugs with the antibiotic. You need his tummy to get more healthy bugs than what are being killed off to fight the infection or you risk further health complications.
Well, yes, i'm fully aware of that.
I just wanted to be certain that what he would be getting is acceptable- product and dose wise.

After all, the doctor suggested a HORSE probiotic...

I'm giving him his dinner and medication as scheduled. Followed by a pea sized dose of BENE-BAC.
Don't worry, horses are vegans too. They have a single stomach and eat similar foods to a guinea pig in nature. Their stomach bugs would essentially have to do very similar jobs, so they would have to be the same sort in the probiotic. Horses are just a whole lot bigger LOL.
Probiotics shouldn't cause any problem -- the excess should just be excreted.

But, I'd give him the probiotic one to two hours after each administration of the antibiotic. And yes, a pea-sized dose each time is fine.
That's all I was worried about- thank you all.

Then it's settled-
He eats and receives his Baytril. An hour or two later- he will take a pea sized dose of Bene-Bac each time.

He gets his Baytril EVERYDAY. TWICE a day.
So, just to clarify because i'm such a worry-wart, give him Bene-Back after EACH dose?

Because, on the back of the Bene-Pac it reads:
Use gel 2 times, 3 DAYS APART.

The excess should be excreted- so it's okay for him to have the pea sized dose twice a day?
Yes, it's fine to give it after every dose of antibiotic. In fact, it won't do very much good at all if you don't give it that often, because each new dose of Baytril will wipe out a lot of the good bacteria in the intestinal tract.

My assumption about the instructions on the Benebac package is that they're giving you the instructions for dosing when the animal is NOT taking antibiotics. In that case, the bacteria stay in the intestine, and you just need to keep adding some more every few days until the gut flora is re-established.
Alright. Thank you very much.
I feel much better now. ^_^
You can use that horse probiotic you vet is correct. We use it at the rescue frequently for our rabbits and guinea pigs.
I am sure the bene bac is what the vet was referring to. It is available mostly at feed stores at least in my area or on line thru some vet supply stores. Fosters and Smith carries it.
Good cause apple and carrot and all sweet veggies can cause yeast which is also a side effect of antibiotics. It seems he is letting his system tell him what not to eat which is usually the case and good for us to learn.
You must wait at least an hour after the antibiotic or you will cancel out the batrill. You don't want to do that. He obviously needs it to get an infection under control.
So we have Havok on his Bene-Bac, problem is, now he isn't eating... then again we just ran out of lettuce and all we have is yellow, red, green bell pepper and carrots and apples. I am going to get some romaine today. He is pooping too, but the poops are smaller than usual and lighter color. Also, they are sticky and almost mushy, instead of wet and firm.

Any insight?
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