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Ratties Cage W/ Fleece Bedding

Ratties Cage W/ Fleece Bedding - Guinea Pig Cages

I am a fairly new rat owner, and this is (for now) my rattie cage for my 3 young and growing boys. Dimensions are 31in. L X 17.5in. W X 28.5in. H. The ramps and levels were wire, so I attach towels and fleece to all of them, to make it more comfy. I want to get a larger cage like a Ferret Nation som
It looks good! I looked on a rat cage calculator, and the cage is big enough! :D it looks really nice! Lucky rats!
Too bad you live way out in Texas LOL. I live in Illinois and have a three story ferret nation for sale cheap :) I had three rats that lived in it for three years then they died and I now have guinea pigs which hate it so I had a C&C cage made for them almost completed. Anyway, my rats LOVED this ferret nation but I hear they have a critter nation out now which is even more suitable for your furry friends. Check that out when you are ready to buy your boys a new home :)

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