I got this hidey house from Ikea. It is supposed to be some sort of sotrage thing you hang on the wall. It's called 'blimp' and it only cost a couple of pounds
I don't think there would be need to clean it. I don't think they can poo upside down if thats what your thinking of. Looks fab btw! And I love ascot's color on his/her left lip! ^^ So cute! Never seen grey hairs in cavies before, thats pretty interesting!
You piglet's color is almost exactly like mine! What color is that? I can't find it ne where else. It's red, white and that greyish color. Is there even a name for it?
That is so cute! I love Ascot's little patch above his lip as catzeye21138 mentioned!
You can find good stuff at Ikea, apparently. I should look there sometime for Butterfinger!