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are towel beds safe?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 3, 2004
i'm thinking of sewing a couple old towels in order to make my piggy a nice little bed...kinda like a sock to sleep in. i'm wondering if the fibers in the towel would be bad for her?
They generally don't chew on them too much, and I think they shouldn't be a problem. At least I've never heard of it causing difficulties. Cozies are very cute!
excellent. yay, now i get to sew.
Fun! I hope it goes well for you!
fleece works great as well! My girl loves sleeping in her fleece cozie. evry time she finishes eating, she crawls into her cozy and has a nap. what a life!
aw, that is SOOO cute!!!

my little girl loves to curl up inside my sweatshirt and watch TV. she's such a little snuggle-bug. hehe. i'm going to sew up a towel bed for her tonight and maybe get some fleece or other cushy fabric later...after she shreds this one, lol.
Yes, towels are safe. I used to use them for bedding and I never had any problems. Pictures would be great!
towels should be fine because my piggies just love it. just make sure there are no loose ends or long threads that the piggies can get stuck in.
my piggies think that the towels are food lol everytime there is a towel insite they start chewing them!! can it harm them at all?
Yea, if they eat them then they can cause a blockage in their stomachs or their intestines. You should take the towels out and make sure nothing is wrong with your pig.
Really? I've used them in floor time, and they've never tried eating the towels. Are you sure, tasha?
i was at the pet supply store last night and i saw some great little fleece cozies made for ferrets, but they were $15!!! that's kinda ridiculous if you ask me. i'd rather just go to the fabric store and get a yard of fleece for like $5. they did have a lot of really cute other stuff, tho. lol. good thing i'm broke or i'd have bought it all!

P.S. off-topic, sorta, but...speaking of broke. there's this store going out of business on fillmore street (in sf) and everything is 50 - 88 % off. yet the jacket i was looking at was STILL $125 and the t-shirt was $50. for a t-shirt!!! no wonder they're going out of business.
ok, the only have the towels during floor every now and then but yeh i dont think ill use them any more!!
really? towels cause blockage??? i use towels during floor time, in fact, I just bought 15 the other day for that purpose. oh no!
No need to worry about it if they dont try to eat them. Most dont. All five of mine dont. I was just putting it out there so IF your pig decided the towel looked tasty you could fix it imediatly. I use towels for bedding too. I tuck the edges underneath so they wont even be tempted. The only problem I have is if they have a frill on the side. Then the pig thinks its great fun to chew it up. Sorry to worry everyone.
Ok, thanks for the helpful info. Mine don't chew, so I think we're safe there!
My pig doesn't like to eat towels, but he grabs the strings with his teeth and unravels the towel. If I hold him for more than an hour, about one fourth of the towel is just string, it's humorous, but you have to be careful. I was pulling string out of his anus for quite sometime, so now I discourage his unraveling the towel as much as I can.
lol eeewww poor piggie, yeh i wouldnt do that anymore if i was you!!!
Yuck! Glad I haven't had the pleasure yet.
Yes, it was a bit gross, and he didn't like it one bit. But I am a bit concerned that towel fibers cause blockage, so I would ask a vet.
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