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New fleece

New fleece - Guinea Pig Cages

I like this fleece better than the plain pink one. The pigs seem to like it too.
That looks great, Maisie! Very attractive.
But with it being mostly black, is it hard to find the poos when you're cleaning?
Other than that which I just wondered about, I love it. But hey what do I know, you might've already figured out a way. :eek:
I switched to dark fleece too. I love yours! Mine is black with stars on it. I like how you can't see their little presents everywhere and i just vacum it once a day anyway
Hehe I call them 'presents' too :) It is much harder to see the poops than on light colored fleece, I have to look quite carefully. I think with it being dark it looks cleaner than the pink fleece but I'll still vaccuum it once or twice a day.
Presents, lol, that's funny. I guess it probably would stay more attractive looking if you couldn't see them as well. Any way, looks great, and it's cool you've got a big box back there with lots of hay for them to play in. :)
How do you keep fleece clean? I see that you vacuum it. So you wash it right? Does it smell?

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