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Diet You're feeding them WHAT?!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 24, 2012
Today I was talking to my friend about her guinea pigs, my guinea pigs, their diets and such. (This is actually the friend who owns my piggie's mother and sister.) We were talking about how her piggies had gotten bored with pepper and I was surprised because Lightning gets huffy with me if I don't give him a daily dose of SOME form of pepper. He seriously gives me a look that screams "what is this and WHERE is MY pepper?!"

Anyway, my friend was telling me that she sometimes feeds them COOKED veggies that are leftovers from their dinner. I don't think that's so nutritionally healthy but I kind of shrugged it off, then she went on to say that she feeds them fish :eye-poppi Like from fish sticks! I was flabbergasted and shocked into silence. I know she shouldn't be feeding them this stuff but I can't seem to make her see that it isn't healthy. She defended herself by saying "It's no worse than feeding them the pretzels or crescent roll things" (meaning the treats she buys at pet smart :/ )

I really don't want to tell her off, I'm trying to nudge her in the right direction with leading by example - so far she's gone from a tiny store bought cage to a 2x3 C&C (still not enough space for 2 but better than the original), she's started using fleece instead of pine shavings, but she's still doing all this stuff that isn't healthy for her pigs. She doesn't call the vet when she knows her GPs are loosing weight, she over feeds them the crappy pellets from PetSmart, Kaytee hay and the Vitamin C water drops (I was stupid enough to do all this crap too before I found the forum but I've changed since I realized it wasn't healthy).

I keep trying to get her on the forums so she can see what is so wrong but she says, "I just don't have the time" and won't be reasoned with... What do I do?! I know she's not trying to be a bad owner but feeding a guinea pig FISH?! :mad: Ok... rant over.
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Tell her that guinea pigs are strictly VEGETARIAN!!!:eek:hmy: The only treat a guine pig should really get are fresh veggies, but I myself give them orchard grass as a treat and oxbow veggie treats every now and again, but never any junk.:rolleyes: And NEVER any MEAT!!!:mad:

Also tell her fresh veggies are sooooo much better, when they are cooked they lose nutritional value and if the were frozen the probably contain salt, so always feed fresh.

I know how you feel I have friends and family who just buy pets and don't do any research and do everything wrong and I want to tell them, but I just don't know how it's sooooo frustrating!>( Ok my rants over too.:eek: I hope she will learn how to feed them properly and a 2x3 cage is recommended for one pig, but the minnimum for 2, so yes bigger would be better, but for now its ok as long as they get floor time.:)
Give her some examples of good vegetables to feed. You might have to spend a few bucks, or just bag up a few samples of whatever you already have. Maybe make a couple baggies of pre-measured meals or something. Tell her she'll see how much more her pigs like it.
Give her some examples of good vegetables to feed. You might have to spend a few bucks, or just bag up a few samples of whatever you already have. Maybe make a couple baggies of pre-measured meals or something. Tell her she'll see how much more her pigs like it.

She feeds them healthy veggies too... Just not everything she feeds is healthy... Like she feeds them lettuce on a daily basis, and other fresh veggies, but she feeds them broccoli more than is recommended, or she'll pick iceburg lettuce because it's cheaper than the red leaf or green leaf lettuce. They're given fruit on nearly a daily basis too - in addition to the other CRAP she feeds them. I don't want to act like a "know it all" or seem like a GP snob or something but at the same time what she's doing isn't good for her piggies!

I'm thinking about asking her if she wants to split the cost of hay and pellets the next time I order from KMs- it's cheaper over all anyway, and I could order 2x the amount and then she could pay for part of shipping and save me a little $$
I'm thinking about asking her if she wants to split the cost of hay and pellets the next time I order from KMs- it's cheaper over all anyway, and I could order 2x the amount and then she could pay for part of shipping and save me a little $$
That's a really good idea.
With respect to what you're trying to accomplish-I would suggest that you stop telling her what to do with her pigs, and quietly lead by example. It sounds like she's getting angry, and once she's angry, she isn't going to listen to anything you say. I think you'll make more headway if you don't get into an argument over how she handles her pigs. I know it's hard to do, but many times, in order to make progress with someone like that, you have to back down a little. I think she'll come around if you let her do it in her own time. Maybe you can take her shopping with you when you go for veggies, and split the cost with her, and she'll see how cheap it is to have them on a better diet. For example, we have a very cheap produce place here, so I'd say "Do you mind if we stop here quick?" while we were out doing something, then grab my veggies for the week. Everyone that sees that store is amazed at the prices. I also tell anyone that has pigs or buns about Sams Club. They have 1 lb of ogrganic baby spring mix for $3.90. I even bought a rescue person a membership, and she loves it. Good luck, I know you're trying to help those poor piggies, and it's frustrating.
I suspect she already knows she's doing many things wrong and that's why she's resistant to coming here. I wonder some of it is financial, i.e. feeding the leftovers, cheaper iceberg lettuce, pet store products, etc. If she doesn't read that it's bad from an authoritative source online, it's easier for her to tell herself, "My friend's just pushy. My guinea pigs are fine."

As others have said, all you can do is get a good example and lead her toward more economical sources of the good stuff. For example, I don't know what stores you're near, but Publix here often has buy one, get one free sales on its premium salad blends, including spring mix.
Oh dear :( You're probably right about why she's resistant to come here. Before I read the whole post I was going to say 'get her to read the forum!!' but you've already tried that :/

Perhaps suggest feeding them the tops and tails of veggies when cutting them up to make dinner? (raw obviously) It's a good way to utilize the veggies, and even if she's not feeding enough, she still will be feeding healthier stuff. Just a suggestion.
omg that is horrible did you explain they are vegetarians also my guineas do the same thing when they know it is time for them to eat if i put romaine lettuce while i am cutting up their veggies they will look at me like where is the pepper
Your friend needs to know that we all make mistakes - most people on this forum have made the mistakes of small cages, no hay, bad diet, hutches, outdoor housing etc but we all do something to change that and she needs to come to her senses and realise they will live longer, happier lives fed the proper food. She managed to change the cage so I see no reason for her not to change their food.
I've scanned the comments and haven't seen this suggestion but maybe print out the nutrition does and don'ts and the guidelines for what veggies and how often. Heck, print off anything you think would help. Really cut her reading time and highlight the stuff she needs to see. And tell her she'd have a little extra time to get on these forums if she wasn't so busy baking up fish sticks for her guinea pigs. (too snarky? yeah I thought so too but it's funny for us!)
I've scanned the comments and haven't seen this suggestion but maybe print out the nutrition does and don'ts and the guidelines for what veggies and how often. Heck, print off anything you think would help. Really cut her reading time and highlight the stuff she needs to see. And tell her she'd have a little extra time to get on these forums if she wasn't so busy baking up fish sticks for her guinea pigs. (too snarky? yeah I thought so too but it's funny for us!)
This is a reallyu good suggestion. And I LOL @ your last sentence.
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