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Cage Your thoughts on bricks


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 23, 2013
I have seen some use bricks at the base of water bottles or hay racks, saying that the bricks keep the pigs' nails worn down (at least the front feet). Does this successfully work for anyone? Would the bricks be harmful for the pigs' feet? The ones I've seen most recently are paver type, not the rougher kind used for building walls, etc.
I can't remember where I've seen this discussion. I don't use them but I think people with piggies that burrow use them to hold down the bedding.
I've thought about trying bricks. I worry that my two girls will hurt themselves. Seems silly, I know, but they like to slam into the cage walls when they run around. They hit the wall pretty hard. I think they like the noise it makes. I worry what will happen if they try running into bricks.:eek:hmy:
I use bricks in my cage as my girls are avid burrowers. But I hate the look so I cover them in bookcovers!!
Cobblestones work better to hold the fleece down. You can buy thinner ones that they simply walk over, They're smooth, with rounded edges so they pose no risk to the guinea pigs like bricks do.
If you wanted to keep the fleece down wouldn't small tiles work better?
Sorry, I think I hijacked this thread. Love the safety ideas! Thanks.
Anyone have an answer to the nail question? I'm also curious if it works.
Sorry, I think I hijacked this thread. Love the safety ideas! Thanks.
Anyone have an answer to the nail question? I'm also curious if it works.

I think they would be too rough on their tender footpads.
I saw somewhere (don't know where) that someone used rocks, ordinary rocks from the garden and washed them (they were quite big maybe Palm of your hand size, they them put them in the corner of the cage and the pigs climed on them and they claimed that it kept the front nails down.

would rocks work?, I know they can be smoother then bricks. Just wondering after I saw the thread
I use bricks and my pigs haven't had any issues with them. Brienne likes to sleep with her head propped up on them like pillows (despite the fact that there is a stuffed toy and a piggie pillow just for that purpose in the cage they can pull around, too). It's worked very well on keeping their front nails down, but obviously doesn't do anything for the back. I'd note, too, that the nails aren't kept down enough to not need to trim them, but it does keep them less sharp.
I kind of like the cobblestone idea, or the rocks. Thanks for all the good feedback.
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