Has anyone witnessed neglect at a pet store and needed to take an extra step in order to help the animals? I went to a pet store yesterday, that I typically don't go to because they sell live animals (dogs, sometimes kittens, you name it-they sell it). I go there once and a while just to see if they're taking care of the animals. I've noticed some things in the past, but when I went there yesterday I was outraged! They had aqaurium tanks filled with Hamsters, gerbils, mice and rats-and most of the water bottles were empty-and if they weren't empty they were close to it. One of the bottles was even pulled off the side of the aquarium-empty- and a hamster was desperately trying to drink water from it! They had a hairless guinea pig in a 10 gallon fish tank, with a bowl of brown water =( I left the store-wishing I had done something, so I called the store when I got home and spoke with a manager. He profusely denied everything ofcourse-put me on hold to go check the situation, then came back and told me they all had water. When I asked him about the tank with the empty bottle on the bottom-he replied, "yeah, I saw that." and when I asked about the brown water in the guinea pig's bowl he replied with the same answer. He then said that it's their policy to give their animals fresh water 3 times daily-which I find it hard to believe that if they had given them fresh water 2 times already (he said their last water change is at 7pm-and I was there at 6pm) that those bottles would be empty and the guina pig would have brown water! I'm not exactly sure how to go about persuing action against this store...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! It breaks my heart to see those poor little critters in those tanks with no access to water =(
Thank you in advance!
Thank you in advance!