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yay! Perfect grids:D

happie gurl

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 25, 2005
Yes! I got those grids from walmart and they are perfect! Thank You all for helping me choose grids and find out how to make my first C&C:) without you guys and tha cavy cages website, I would still have a petstore rabbit cage.(yuck)
I am building the walls of my cage right now, I dont have coro yet, I think I might start looking today. Aww I can't build a 2x4 cage with a 2x2 level, because my mom said that it would take over our basement.>_<
So I'm builing a 2x3 with a 2x2 level..its still HUGE compared to my old cage, so I am happy. I'll post pictures of it as soon as I finish:D
(sorry I posted this in cavy chat too, by mistake)
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