I had finally decided to put my two boys together yesterday, because I was cleaning out their cage, so I figured why not try again? Well, I did the buddy bath, and they're perfectly civil outside of the cage and in my arms, floortime, etc., but the problem was they hated each other in the cage. Well, I gave them a bath, rearranged furniture, etc. and finally put them together. Turns out, they're both stubborn little piggers, and they don't like giving up their space, so they had a spat or two, had nose-offs, mounting contests, and rumblestruts galore, when finally they both got so tuckered out that they both fell asleep next to each other. Well, I decided to chance leaving them together for the night, after being with them for about eight hours. Well, this morning I went down stairs to see them both eating next to each other and being completely tame. They still rumblestrut and chase each other a bit, but I expect this will calm down in the next week. Does all of this sound normal?