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C&C Alternatives Would this work full time?


Cavy Slave
Apr 30, 2012
I became the proud mum of a pair of (boy) piggies last week. I did have them in a cage but have realised that this is way to small. I have set up a temporary cage for them on a table using their play pen.
After looking at some of the cages on here though Im starting the think that with a bit of work this cage could be a good permenant cage.
I would open the pen up fully to make the cage floor 120cm x 120cm. Good size? Its pretty sturdy but I would also figure out a way to sucure it to the wall to prevent it falling over.
I am making a fleece forrest today too, Im sure that they will love this also.

Anyway after looking at these photos what do you all think of this plan? If you have any tips or can see problems that I cant I would be greatfull for your advice.

Thanks a lot

This is Basil

and this is Mr Bigglesworth
I think it's too tall. You couldn't reach in to pet them. Can you take it apart at the hinges on the sides and use the pieces to build on with the pieces horizontally? You could make a really large cage and would be able to reach in and pet them that way. You could attach the pieces with zip ties.
Sorry I forgot the mention there is a big door on the front. Its on the right half of the cage. I think you can see it in the photo but only if you are looking for it.

The cage is certainly big enough, although with that height I would make multiple levels in an "L" shape so you can still get through the door. I have my bunnies in a cage like this, and I like how I can go through the door to clean up.
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