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How Many? Would it be OK to just have one guinea pig, or does it need a companion?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 18, 2012
OK, so I'm 12 and for a reward at the end of my chemotherapy I'm getting a guinea pig, I've done LOADS of research and have been waiting patiently for 6 months, so I'm getting one in four weeks time! People have been saying they NEED to have a friend, is that true or will they be OK without one? I'm willing to spend a lot of time with her and look after her to the best of my ability, over time I'll get more guinea pigs, but to start with I want just one. I know all of the responsibilites that comes with a guinea pig and I'm willing to do everything to keep it happy- I'll also give it a lot of toys so I don't see why it would need a friend to play with? I know it would be preferable but my room is really small and it has to stay in my room because of my sausage dog that would think of it as breakfast rather than the new pet of the house. My baby brother would also want to get to the guinea pig so theres no question of it staying anywhere else. Also, what do you think of the name Audrey for a guinea pig, named after Audrey Hepburn. My dog is named after Humphrey Bogart :)!
The reason most people say they need a friend is because they are social animals. They want someone like them to play with. I had just one piggy for a little bit and she did not want to eat much she would just lay around in her cage...Then I got her a friend and they play all the time. I still give them lost of attention and they have lots of toys but having that friend is something special that I cant give them.
Hi! Welcome to the forum!

First, I just wanted to let you know you should think of adopting your guinea pig not only because of all the homeless animals and how mistreated they are in the petstores, but also because you only want one.

Most rescues only adopt out pairs of guinea pigs, but sometimes rescues come across those guinea pigs that are singles and don't want a guinea pig friend at all. When I got my guinea pig, Millie, I was also looking for a single because of my parents not wanting more so I found a single guinea pig at my local small animal rescue. Once my parents were more comfortable with Millie I started fostering guinea pigs. I tried my fosters with Millie just to see if she was truly a single and every single time she attacks them; she doesn't even give them a chance. I've tried neutered males, really calm females, older pigs, and younger pigs and still no luck.

So what I'm saying is you will be ok with one guinea pig if they are meant to be a single like my sassy Millie. You won't know that if you went to a petstore, so please go to your local humane society or if you have a local guinea pig rescue and ask if they have any single pigs available for adoption! It would be unfair to your guinea pig if they wanted a guinea pig friend but couldn't. Even if you did give her a lot of attention she would still miss the companionship of a same species friend.

By the way, I love the name Audrey :)

Again, welcome to forum and can't wait to hear more about your guinea pig when you get her!
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