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worst feelin ever


Cavy Slave
Apr 30, 2005
have had a guinea pig now since week before christmas bought second around easter. had one for serveral years when i was a child. this morning woke up to father knocking on door asking if we had "patches" (the one form christmas). my wife and i immediately ran to the cage to find only fluffy. we frantically searched the house lookinin all possible spaces and finally have resolved ourself that she is now gone. we have set out food and water on floor near cage... we believe she escaped OVER THE TOP of the cage using the the ledge we had built into it... we use the same technique as mos tof you using the 14x14 wire mesh closet block and had ledge put at about 4 spaced up... leaving about 6 more squares to climb over... so please use our pain as a learning guide and ALWAYs place a roof over top of cage over any raised platform. we are optimistic patches will return but fearing the worst

joe and gabby wischler
slaves to Patches and Fluffy
Oh no! Let's just hope she finds her way back =(
Put little veggie treats all over the house. Put out her favourite veggies. She may dart out of one of her hiding places to eat one.
I had the exact same problem as you. I had a stairway and I forgot to add an extra cube to stop them from jumping out. I came home to find only 4 out of 6 pigs. Thankfully I keep my bedroom door shut so they were just sitting under my bed. I hope you find your piggie!! xx
Oh! I hope everything works out.
welll good news on the lost piggie front. shortly before having to leave for work this afternoon my wife saw the little scamp scurry across a bedroom doorway. she yelled for me to quickly get out of the shower and tear the rom apart so we barrricade the doorway and found her under a dresser... it definately was teh worst 4-5 hours of my life and hope definately do not have to experience again anytime soon. i am currently talking with lojack company on installing equipment for guinea pigs.

releived and recouperated

joe and gabby
I am happy everything turned out alright.
Congratulations! That must have been terrible.
Wonderful u found her!
She just wanted to go on a adventure....I bet she had a blast!
I am glad you found her, but I figured she would show up eventually. She was probably laughing at you the whole time thinking she got away with something.

I've had a couple escape and they always seem to hide under something and of course it is a place you can't easily reach.
Glad she's back.
I'm glad you found her. I bet she left little "Piggie Presents" under all your furniture! :)
Woo Hoo.....Congratulations on finding your piggie!
I had one excape too. I got up one morning to see if Muffy was ok because she was pregnant at the time and I looked in and saw a baby. So I thought she had just one and I was on the pc. I saw a orange colour thing running accross the room and the baby that Muffy had that I saw was black. I looked over and realized that it was a few hour old baby piggie running around the room. It took me and my hubby an hour to get her out. We named her Punkin' and she is an explorer. We adopted her out last month.
Make sure you cover the house and look for poops and stuff! How long was she on her adventure?
poops oh my god do they poop
i didnt know they pooped so much
does anyone know if they poop more when they are nervous
mine tend to
or maybe they just poop all the time i dont know lol
was just woundering if anyone knew lol
I'm very glad you found her! I bet she's happy to be home too.
ginnymommy said:
poops oh my god do they poop
i didnt know they pooped so much
does anyone know if they poop more when they are nervous
mine tend to
or maybe they just poop all the time i dont know lol
was just woundering if anyone knew lol

I have these 2 young ones and I have nick named them Pooping and Peeing. They are sure pooping machines. I don't think my others go as much as these 2, but when you eat almost all day it's got to go somewhere.
I clean my piggys cage out and within 2 hrs there's poop everywhere again. I was wondering the same thing if they stop pooping as much when they are older. It sure would be nice.
lol yeah thats true
cant really limit there food
they have timithy hay all the time in there cage so they are alway eating
maybe when they grow up they wont need as much since they will have basicly have stopped growing

mommy who is sick of poop lol
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