have had a guinea pig now since week before christmas bought second around easter. had one for serveral years when i was a child. this morning woke up to father knocking on door asking if we had "patches" (the one form christmas). my wife and i immediately ran to the cage to find only fluffy. we frantically searched the house lookinin all possible spaces and finally have resolved ourself that she is now gone. we have set out food and water on floor near cage... we believe she escaped OVER THE TOP of the cage using the the ledge we had built into it... we use the same technique as mos tof you using the 14x14 wire mesh closet block and had ledge put at about 4 spaced up... leaving about 6 more squares to climb over... so please use our pain as a learning guide and ALWAYs place a roof over top of cage over any raised platform. we are optimistic patches will return but fearing the worst
joe and gabby wischler
slaves to Patches and Fluffy
joe and gabby wischler
slaves to Patches and Fluffy