I got my new guinea pigs tonight. I went to the pet store and i seen these two and i had to have them. They are so cute! So i brought them home and worked on getting there cage set up while they were in there boxes. So i just had to put some food in so i thought i would let them go in there cage. I let the one in and it doesnt move then it runs into a corner and stays there. I let the other one in(a bit more active) and it runs down my ramp and into my hay rack that i made out of a grid. It got stuck in one of the little holes with its head and one paw. I felt so bad trying to get it out i hope its ok. So i took out that hay rack and used the one i bought from petsmart a while back( i thought they wouldnt be able to get to it). I am also worried that they may not be able to reach the water bottle, Its as high up as the chloroplast goes so 6 inches. O and they are both females but i have no idea for names yet. I also got them just romaine lettuce because i couldnt remember what else was on the list. So they are going to have romaine for a few days until i can get to the grocery store- is this ok.
Thanks for all the help so far
Thanks for all the help so far