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Coroplast Alternatives Will this work?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 19, 2012
Will this work as coroplast? Has anyone used it? Is it rolled coroplast? Do you think it will work? Thanks!
Oops! Forgot the link to the item again!!!!! :eye-poppi Here's the link:

(broken link removed)
Bump! can anyone answer my question?
from what i can see, it seems like really thick saran wrap. the fact that it's rolled up like that hints to me that it wouldn't be sturdy enough to stand up as sides for the bottom of the cage. if you want it to protect the bottom of the cage somehow, that would probably work, but so would a plastic table cloth.

what exactly are you looking for a coroplast alternative for? just to protect the bottom of your cage, or to also stand up as sides? what kind of bedding are you using, fleece or shavings? there have been other suggestions here for alternatives, but it depends on what you need.
from what i can see, it seems like really thick saran wrap. the fact that it's rolled up like that hints to me that it wouldn't be sturdy enough to stand up as sides for the bottom of the cage. if you want it to protect the bottom of the cage somehow, that would probably work, but so would a plastic table cloth.

what exactly are you looking for a coroplast alternative for? just to protect the bottom of your cage, or to also stand up as sides? what kind of bedding are you using, fleece or shavings? there have been other suggestions here for alternatives, but it depends on what you need.

I need an alternative to a coro box for the base of the cage. I can't find any coro with decent shipping, and there are no sign stores close enough to me. I plan on using fleece. Thanks so much!
if you go to staples, or any office supply store (maybe even walmart) you'll find those plastic floor protectors to put under desk chairs. i've heard of some people cutting that and using it as a coro alternative. it seems like it might be stable enough.
It's also called corregated vinyl. Any sign store is likely to have it especially if they make signs for realtors.
You could build a wood base and cover it with vinyl or linoleum flooring. We are building a wood box then putting the coroplast box in there. As We have to tap tons of little sheets together. If you have a home depot near you, you can buy 36" x 24" sheets of corplast and tape them together. That is what we are doing. I need 6 sheets of it to make a 2x5 with 1x2 loft
You can also use a tarp. I am using that instead of coroplast for one of my cages and it works quite well. It's not quite as attractive as coroplast but does the job.
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