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Behavior Will Borat Ever Forgive Us?


Well-known Member
Cavy Gazer
Mar 20, 2012
Borat used to be the most sweet, laid-back piggy ever, but now that he's sick and we've had to force feed and medicate him, he's gotten afraid of us.

He's been eating veggies and some so we stopped the feeding, but he still needs his Baytril. My husband's giving him that while I try to take him out of his cage and give him lap time without "torturing" him so he doesn't think it's going to be bad every time he's caught/picked up.

He's still really stressed out about it. He runs now when I try to pick him up, pet him, or even hand feed him. He squealed for the first time ever when my husband went to pick him up for meds. My heart breaks when I hear that, even though I know it's for his own good.

Will he ever forgive us, or is he always going to be a skittish pig now? I'm sure in his eyes we've suddenly turned into pig abusing monsters, and he still has a while to go with the Baytil, so I'm afraid we might have ruined his sweet, calm nature for good. :(
Many people think they have "scarred them for life".

I have come to believe that the exact opposite is true. Don't get me wrong-- I haven't gone through anything of the likes that you have, and I can't imagine how you much feel. Sorry you have to go through that. But my Piggies have had to have the basics done-- Nails clipped, lap time and floor time while they are still skittish, and I have to pick them up and be intrusive sometimes. Just recently I have had to treat for Mites-- Big Sis', my Pig who has the worst case of it out of my 2 pigs, squirms so bad when I clipped her nails and treated her again today. She even drew blood on me. But when I put my Piggies back they are back to themselves in no time! I even clipped Lil' Babe's nails too far and got the quick a little bit.

I have cried 3 times over simple FLOOR TIME and HANDLING the Piggies: So let me say 1 thing-- While I cannot compare to having to force feed, I know you are far braver than I could be. So let's hope that Borat will be too, and if it is any sign that Piggies can't be scarred from my experience, let's hope the same is for you.

animals are sooooo resilient - think about all those animals in shelters and rescues abandoned, abused, neglected. most of them will be re-homed and be fine. a trainer once made the point to me that animals have no reason whatsoever to trust another human being again - and yet they do. . .

i'm sure borat is hating all the intrusion and fusing. and it's painful for you, even though you know it's for his good. i don't think he's making any permanent connection between what's happening to him and that you're doing it. the relationship you and your family had (have)with borat came first and was (will be) there longer than the meds will be. borat felt (feels) loved and safe. this is just a little blip in the overall scheme of things. it'll be over, and he will very quickly forget it, and, with your help, you will all return to the relationship you had and all will be well. love always lasts longer than any temporary bump in the road. remember, too, that if you're anxious and upset when you have to medicate him, he picks up on that as well, and that may trigger his own fear response more than it has to be. they are very sensitive critters, as we all know. take a breath, remember the bigger picture, and keep doing the hard and right thing that love does. hang in there!
I've had a similar experience recently, though not as intrusive. One of my new piggies came with a URI and I was worried giving the meds would be a tough way to start out. However, after the inital shock and fighting, my little one mellowed out and I don't even have to remove her from her cage to give her medicines. Granted, it's taken two hard weeks of working this out, but I think it's made her more complient to be handled once she figured out it's doing good for her.
After "violating" my guinea pig to clean out his anal sac he was TERRIFIED of me for a few days, but it will get better. Taking him out without giving him medicine will help a lot - showing him that it he doesn't have to be miserable every time you take him out of the cage.
Thanks, all, that gives me some hope. It doesn't help that he seems to hate the taste of the Baytril. At least with the Critical Care, he seemed to realize it was food and that he needed it.
Thanks, all, that gives me some hope. It doesn't help that he seems to hate the taste of the Baytril. At least with the Critical Care, he seemed to realize it was food and that he needed it.
This has been a really useful post, mufasa and has saved me starting one of my own. One of my new pigs has recently developed a skin problem on his face and I have to apply stuff the vet gave me to him. My boyfriend and I worry that our handling and twice daily "traumatising" will make him more upset and less trusting of us. Thanks also to those who have replied.
Just remember that the way to a piggies heart is thru their stomach :D Offering some treats or something after the medicine or when you take him out during the day (not to get meds) may help. Use something he doesn't get very often!

It may take a bit after the medicine, but eventually he will realize your not trying to "hurt" him anymore by forcing meds down him!

Never needed to medicate my pigs, but could you mix the medicine with food/treats/critical care to maybe make it more palatable?
Just remember that the way to a piggies heart is thru their stomach :D Offering some treats or something after the medicine or when you take him out during the day (not to get meds) may help. Use something he doesn't get very often!

It may take a bit after the medicine, but eventually he will realize your not trying to "hurt" him anymore by forcing meds down him!

Never needed to medicate my pigs, but could you mix the medicine with food/treats/critical care to maybe make it more palatable?

Borat has since passed away.
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