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Why don't my piggies get along???!?!!!



Why don't my piggies get along???!?!!!

I just got a new girl piggie 2 days ago. I put her with my other piggie Cadbury in a big cage that she(cadbury) had just been recently moved in to. They are both girls, and they don't seem to get along. When I take them out and hold them they sit together at times, but when they are together in the cage or out on the floor, my guinea pig that I have had for about 3 months runs at her, and trys to nip at her sides, mouth and ears. It really bothers me because I want them to get along. I let them have about an hour alone on the floor with a wire cage around them so they would become used to eachother. But it didn't seem to work. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have already cleaned the cage and washed everything in it to get rid of Cadbury's previous smells and she still seems to be territorial. Is there anything I can do?! Please help!!!!! :(
Re: why dont my piggies get along??

Aubrey730, it seems like you didnt let them got to know eachother before you made them live in the same cage. after the 3 week quarantine period, (if bought from a pet store) you should place them side-by-side in diferent cages for about 14 days, allowing them to sniff and see eachother thru the bars. Then begin holding them at the same time, stroking them with lightly perfumed hands so that they don't smell eachother and try to declare 'pecking order'. When you've concluded that thats successful, let them run around together on the floor or a couch so that they can interact further.
When thats all said and done, just put them together in the same cage, preferrably with two food dishes and 2 water bottles first, to avoid fights at meal time.
Rearrange the current items in the cage and clean it good again, so that Cadbury won't recognize it as just HER space. Also, leave an igloo or hide-out big enough for only one pig in the cage, so that the new girl has somewhere to hide if Cadbury becomes mean. I just went through the same ordeal with my pig, Lucky, and if you follow this method, it really works. There will be some minor fights & quarrels at first, but nothing serious or harming to either of your piggies should come of it. In a few, and i mean FEW cases, they won't ever get along. That is because Cadbury might be extremely used to being a loner, or just because she doesnt like the new girl. Don't get discouraged, because it almost always works out, and they'll become great friends in no time if you get them used to eachother slowly, and follow the steps above.
Re: Why don't my piggies get along???!?!!!

Please read the below link for useful information about the same problem you are having.

(broken link removed)
Re: Why don't my piggies get along???!?!!!

Thank you soo much Blossom and Briana. I didnt know that I was to keep them seperated in different cages. I think that they are getting more used to eachother after being in the same cage together and running around on the floor...but I will try that and see what happens!!! Thank you so much for all your help;)
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