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Why build a 3x2 cage why not a 4x2?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 28, 2004
After reading all the info on this site especially the size you should use for a piggy cage, why would someone build a 3x2. Thats barely good enough for 1 piggy. Why not go with the 4x2. Most owners have 2 piggies anyway and you will need a 4x2. Just curious.
I have a 2x3 & one pig. She has room to run around & play. It's big enough for her to make her, "putt putt"/explorer noises. It's more than twice the size of what a store recommended cage is. I don't see why there's anything wrong with a 2x3?

When I get another I will make a 2x4.
citronsoul said:
It's big enough for her to make her, "putt putt"/explorer noises. .

Awww! my piggies do that too! I love it!!!
I've used 2x3's as quarantine cages. But right now our quarantine is the even cushier 2x5.

I'm really big on a lot of space for pigs. I personally think a 2x5 or larger is ideal for a pair, especially boars. Pigs in a really spacious environment are fun to watch. They can just be pigs.

We have our trios in 3x4's. Fuzzie (pictured in my avatar) makes those little putt-putt noises, too.
For me, I found that an extra 1x2 was really hard to fit. I was going to make a 2x3 first of all, but then I had to build under my bed. Lots of people just don't have the room. Also, most people who have a 2x3 often have a loft which adds more space. I love the putt putt noise, its one of my favorites!
My problem is cubes. I need more for a 2x4 (& a whole lot extra for lofts) but I can't find them anymore.

Btw. Piglet, where in London did you find your cubes? I may be going there next month & would like to get some if I can.
ChadWPB said:
I'm really big on a lot of space for pigs. I personally think a 2x5 or larger is ideal for a pair, especially boars. Pigs in a really spacious environment are fun to watch. They can just be pigs.
I'm the same way, I like my pigs in bigger spaces. I have a 2x6 for 2 boars, then a 4x6 for 4 girls. I don't really like my 2x3's... I would have made them larger, but I didn't have enough coroplast. I have enough grids.. But no coro. BTW, Chad, how many pigs do you have now?
My problem was being able to fit the coroplast in my car... as it was, I just barely fit a piece big enough for a 2 x 3. It's going to be a 2 x 3 stacked on top of a 2 x 3 by the time I get done, though. Right now I only have the one guy, and he seems perfectly happy.. and I think it'll be plenty big enough for two once I have it completed. The cage he was in before, that I thought was HUGE, turned out to only be about the size of a little bigger than 1 panel, by about 3.5 panels. His hidey house fits nicely in the middle of his cage, and once I have the hay rack on the second story he'll be able to run without having to go around it.

All told, when I put his first (pre 'gutted-dresser' cage) cage on top of the C&C cage, I see that it's well under half the size. The thought that I used to have two in there makes me feel like a rotten piggy-mom.

... hrm.. and I actually just got an idea for using that old cage as a third story..

And I LOVE the little 'putt-putt' thing. Mine puts a little butt-shake into it as he's going along, and sometimes goes completely nuts, like when he hears the 'veggie-bag' being opened, and the putt-putt turns into a squeaky run around and 'popcorn'. It's so cute!
I understand what you mean, Citronsoul, but my problem was space. I had to cut my width a few inches short by over-lapping grids and it's a bit skinny, but it's better than his store-bought cage. Some people may not have the space to fit a 2x4, so they make due with a 2x3. there's nothing wrong with that, especially when the piggies get floor time.
I just built my cage and I got extra grids from abctarget on the web. I ordered 15 and I think I paid 20.00 plus about 5 shipping. I got it in 2 days. I originally had a timothy something cage. Approx 18 x 38. After I built the 4x2 with upper deck which to me is HUGE i imagined how a 2x3 would have been with an upper deck. I have 2 girls. A 3x2 would have been fine. You would be suprised how much bigger a cage can be when you add 6 inches to the width and 12 or more to the length and also an upper deck. I feel a 3x2 with an upper deck for 2 piggies is big enough.
There's hope! Thanks for that link pennick. They said that they can be contacted for international shipping. That's better than "we don't ship internationally."
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