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WHY?!?! any one else have this problem?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 6, 2005
hi there :)

I have had my guinea pigs for about two months now and i have a C&C cage (2x3) for my two boys , i know that it should by 2x4 but i didn't have space in my room for that. any ways i was wondering if any one has the same problem, here it is: i have my water bottle and food dish on the same side of the cage and ever since I have had the towels instead of the Aspen shavings, i have noticed that that corner of the cage is alway soaked! i have a litter pan in with them, only one , Joey uses it all the time, and Melmen is getting better at it,they don't ever pee in their food bowl but always under it and around it it's soakd and under the water bottle too.

Does any one else have this sort of problem and if so what have they done to fix it. I do change the newspaper every other day but this is really starting to drive me crazy because I don't like to have the towels wet but i can't change them every day. Please help

sorry for making this so long

"Paddle for fun, live life to win" -----Lorna Klatecki
Hmmmmm..... maybe put a bowl or a brick under the water bottle. DO you have anything under the towles to absorb the pee. If I may suggest you may want to go with fleece. You just put down about a whole section of newspapper down first. Then you put down a layer of fleece. It works fine for me. Also towels aren't very absorbant so you have to change them about every day. I hope this helps.
Or put an extra towel around that area like a dish towel or hand towel. You can often find bundled packs of dish towels pretty cheap so you could change them out every day.

You can also try fleece and newspaper or try a layer of fleece over the towels.
thanks for the ideas , i do have a brick under the water bottle and last night a moved it over to the side and when i checked on them this morning the towels weren't wet any more. i guess that's good right?

I asked my mom if fleece was better than towels and she said that it didn't matter and they were both the same. are they? I do have newspaper uner neith the towels so that helps absorb the pee. and if you were to check the towels aren't wet at all (only in the problem corner)

Well thanks again :) tink
Yes that is good the water bottle is not driping. Towels are less abrobant but they still can be used. I think Piglet uses towels. People only use fleece becuase it absorbs pee better and comes in more patterns.
Fleece doesn't absorb pee. It wicks it through the fleece to the absorbant underlayer. The top layer (fleece) stays dry, while the bottom layer (newspaper, towels, puppy pee pads, etc.) gets wet.
I personally find that towels stink alot more than fleece. I had towels under my fleece for about 2 weeks and I had to wash them everyday. I switched to newspaper under the fleece and now it only has to be changed every 3 days. I also find that guinea pigs tend to get their nails snagged on the towels.
hey: thanks :)

i think that i might actually change their bedding to fleece. I changed their cage today and i noticed that it stunk!

I was wondering thought, i know it's bad but, does ciggerette smoke do any serius damage to the guinea pigs? My stupid dad smokes and they are in the same room too. I knows it's bad for any one but is their anything to help them out? i've tried to get my dad to stop but once your doing something or over 35 years it's hard to stop.

thanks again for your help ------- Tink
Second hand smoke is really bad for everyone, including guinea pigs.
Yes second hand smoke is bad for cavies and for people.
I can offer you a water bottle that is garunteed! not to leak! I sell it for $8.00. If you decide at anytime you are not happy with it, I will take it back for a full refund.

email me if you are interested. [email protected]

tinkerbell said:
hi there :)

I have had my guinea pigs for about two months now and i have a C&C cage (2x3) for my two boys , i know that it should by 2x4 but i didn't have space in my room for that. any ways i was wondering if any one has the same problem, here it is: i have my water bottle and food dish on the same side of the cage and ever since I have had the towels instead of the Aspen shavings, i have noticed that that corner of the cage is alway soaked! i have a litter pan in with them, only one , Joey uses it all the time, and Melmen is getting better at it,they don't ever pee in their food bowl but always under it and around it it's soakd and under the water bottle too.

Does any one else have this sort of problem and if so what have they done to fix it. I do change the newspaper every other day but this is really starting to drive me crazy because I don't like to have the towels wet but i can't change them every day. Please help

sorry for making this so long

"Paddle for fun, live life to win" -----Lorna Klatecki
My mom smokes, alot, I haven't noticed anything bad with my guinea pigs, I hope I don't.
Wow Lipglossartist you have everything. lol.
i know it's bad for guinea pigs and people but i didn't know if it had any their was any other health problems with it. I hate it that smokers are so addicted to smokeings! I wish there was some way to just get rid of all the ciggerettes. Then more people would have more money (because then their not wasting their money on smokes) Not to mention the health issuses that they would be avoiding.

Anyways, about the cage :) right. if you are using fleece do you just have newspaper onthe bottom and then justhae the fleece over top and tucked down the sides? thats what I do with the towels.

Well it's good to know that we can count on Lipglossartist if ever we need any thing, but don't worry I have a water bottle already. (its part of the problem remember) I hope to get some fleece at Wamart on Tuesday. how big should i get it if I have a 2x3 cage?

sorry for makeing it so long :0) Tink

ps: i can't wait!!!! I'm turning 18 in less then one month and after march break I'm going to New York, New York !!! I can't wait!!!
To get the correct fleece size, measure the inside of the cage and add about 2" on each side so it comes up the sides of the coroplast a little bit.
I attached a plastic tablecloth, with the fuzzy side on the bottom, to the bottom of the cage and put newspaper on top. I just change the paper and wipe up the tablecloth..it dont stink as bad. I got the tablecloth at the dollar store.
I use a tablecloth, followed by newspapers and then one layer of fleece. I no longer have a bottom for my cage because I felt that the tablecloth was as good if not better than coroplast. I find that it is much easier to clean. I use the coroplast now for their second level.
how did you attatch the tablecloth to the bottom of the cage? I have Coroplast on the bottom . and don't the piggies chew on the table cloth? Mine dig up the towles just to get to the newspaper.
I find that the piggies do tend to chew on the tablecloth and the newspapers if you have a coroplast bottom. That is why I got rid of it. I tried everything from velcro to non-toxic adhesives and no matter what I did they managed to get under it and chew it. This is why I now have my cage resting on top on all of my bedding. The connectors hold down the tablecloth, newspapers and fleece and they no longer even try to dig under it.
Yes, I use towels and I must have super ones because they never seem to smell. I change them every 3 to 4 days, and there is 3 layers of newspaper underneath. I wish I could use fleece, but its just too expensive to buy over here
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