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Coroplast White?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 24, 2011
So I was considering buying white coroplast but ten I realized something and thought I'd ask you guys for confirmation. Does white coroplast begin to look dirty soon? If so how soon? I saw this on a video someone's white coroplast looked yellowish-brownish on the bottom. I'm planning on using fleece with towels underneath.
It doesn't yellow. I prefer white because it looks neat and clean. I wipe mine down with vinegar and water and it looks sparkling clean. You can't see the spots that need to be wiped down with darker colors so I always know that my coroplast is sanitary for my herd with white.
I have white, but have only had it for a couple of months. So far, there has been no problem. I agree with @pinky that it looks much cleaner then some other colours.
I only had two choices when I got mine though, and the other was clear which I think would look dirty really fast(from dust/small hay pieces going down the holes).

Edit: Just curious about what video were you watching? I didn't even consider it looking or getting dirty when I got mine.
Pinky is absolutely right! I also bought white coroplast. When you first clean it the urine might leak down to the coroplast but when you wipe it with vinegar it looks brand new again. Are you gonna cover the sides as well?
Just make sure you get all the coroplast covered! I made the mistake of not doing that, and now some corners have brown spots.
As long as you clean up any debris, you shouldn't have permanent staining. I wipe my coroplast down with a 50/50 vinegar and water spray when I change my fleece and I have no stains in any of my cages.
Thanks Pinky! I will try that. :)
I like to use straight vineger for spots that are more "stuck", I just wipe it down with water after.
Thanks to everyone who replied! This changes my perspective completely...haha :)
I have white, but have only had it for a couple of months. So far, there has been no problem. I agree with @pinky that it looks much cleaner then some other colours. I only had two choices when I got mine though, and the other was clear which I think would look dirty really fast(from dust/small hay pieces going down the holes).Edit: Just curious about what video were you watching? I didn't even consider it looking or getting dirty when I got mine.
The video was by "cavycounseling" on youtube called "how to clean a c&c cage (with shavings!!!)"
Oh and I'm planning on using fleece with towels and MAYBE newspaper on the bottom. I think on the video I watched she was using aspen shavings. Does it make a difference as far as the coroplast looking dirty.
Oh and I'm planning on using fleece with towels and MAYBE newspaper on the bottom. I think on the video I watched she was using aspen shavings. Does it make a difference as far as the coroplast looking dirty.

Skip the newspapers. It'll stick to the coroplast if it gets wet and will leave ink marks on the coroplast. I use fleece pads and uhaul pads underneath. I used towels underneath before the uhaul pads and they worked well, too. The uhaul pads are a bit more lightweight and more stiff so they're a little easier to put in and take out of the cage but the towels were absorbent, too.
Oh and I'm planning on using fleece with towels and MAYBE newspaper on the bottom. I think on the video I watched she was using aspen shavings. Does it make a difference as far as the coroplast looking dirty.

I used fleece before, then I used wood pellets and now I'm using aspen shavings. So far, I haven't noticed a difference when it comes to clean look of the coroplast. As long as you wipe down the coroplast with the 50/50 vinegar and water solution it should be fine. :)
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