To be honest, the staff don't seem to have a clue!
I go on a which is where I got the info from. The original poster said the 12th, but then it was changed to the 17th. I went in on the 14th and the staff didn't have a clue what they were or when/if they were getting them in.
I have a product code for them - which has been posted further up this thread, which stupidly I didn't have on me at the time I called in. So I rang up later with it and the woman told me they are discountinued however, they can order them in. I said OK and she said, that they have to be delivered to my house for security purposes....and delivery is £20!!!
So I said I would come back instore and order them there, and collect them when they arrive.
I am going to look on the shelves for them on Monday and order them if they don't have them.
However, from all I have heard, I am doubtful as a few people have been waiting months for theirs and just keep getting fobbed off with excuses.
But I have been assured by someone who has contacted the manufacturer who supplies B&Q that they will be on the shelves from today!! So get down there! LOL
I think there are £10, but could be £19.99 but that's for 6 cubes, not 4. And they are the squares ones, not mesh like screwfix, and I assume balck/grey.