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Where do you put:


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 15, 2004
Your food, water, hay, and veggies??? Im trying to figure out the best setup.
Here is my cage setup for the bottom level:

Lines are walls, h is hay, w is water, and f is food.


The water sometimes switches.
Try using a food bowl. Or a dish. for veggies. And then those water bottle things. And make a hay stack with the grids.
I put a water bottle downstairs near the ramp. Hay, pellets and veggies are always upstairs on the second floor
I set up an area in a front corner by putting 2 patio blocks down to make a big square then I hang there 2 water bottles on one side and there food bin on the other side. I heard the patio blocks are good for there nails and also the water drips on them instead of on the bedding etc....
I put my food and water in one corner, and then I put hay up in the loft
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