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Where do you keep your Guinea Pigs?

Our pigs are on the floor in the family room. Normally floors aren't recommended because of drafts, but drafts really aren't a problem in South Florida.
Baby Bears said:
Mine are in the dining room. There's an eight foot opening between the living and dining room, though, so you can actually see them very clearly from the living room too. :) My husband does complain that Peanut stares at him when we eat dinner. My hubby has lost it, I think!
Maybe Peanut is wondering why they aren't allowed to eat with you.
Hehe, I wish I lived in Florida. Do you live near Orlando?
Peanut sounds adorable baby bears! Dumpling stares at me while I'm eating too, until I finally get up and give her something =)
Queen B said:
Hehe, I wish I lived in Florida. Do you live near Orlando?
No, I live further south, near Ft. Lauderdale. But Orlando's an easy 3 hour drive from me.
Cool, I have been to Florida 5 times.
I keep mine in our basement as well. I wouldn't even call it a basement though. It's the first floor of our house where everyone walks in. There used to be a kitchen, dining room and bathroom. The room they are in used to be my old room.
Cool, I wish my besement was finished but it is not. My attic is though.
Ours live in my son's bedroom. That way we can shut the door and keep the cats out when no one is home. To give them enough space, we had to make an open top cage (3x3 grid with plastic matting), so keeping the cats out is a priority. My son pretty much lives in his room, so they get alot of company. When he gets home from school, he lets them out of the cage to run around the room as well, and we take them outside just about every day to run around in their play yard, too. My older son 'pig-sits', and I spend about 1/2 hour with each one, usually taking them into the living room to sit on my lap. I call them "therapy pigs".

My son gets a lot more company these days than he used to. Everyone pops in and out of there all day. The poor kid has to change his clothes in the bathroom because he has no privacy anymore.

Eek fawnmarie,I feel bad for your son. Lucky me I get to change in my room.
I keep Teebo in the dinning room, but it is a very open room betweent he kitchen and the living room, so he can almost always see one of us (or a cat, since he thinks he is a cat anyway). He had a place next to a window so he can see out, the cats can lay next to him and he can lay inthe sun. It is also near the fridge so everytime we open it he thinks we are getting a carrot or something for him, quite funny. I am pretty sure he is happy in there and he loves his floor time where he gets to chase the cats around.
Mine are in my spare bedroom. They have the whole room to themselves. I would love to have two good size cages one for sows and one for boars.
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