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Where can I get big bags of aspen?



Where can I get big bags of aspen?

I use Kaytee aspen bedding and I saw on their site that they sell big bags, not just the 1500 cu. in. and 3200 cu. in. -- they sell 9.0 cu. ft. bags. I would love to find a place that sells these since I use up a lot of bedding for my C & C cage (it's about 4' x 7'). If anyone knows of a place online or can give me any guidance as to where I can find something like this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! :)
Re: Where can I get big bags of aspen?


There is a link to petco's website - they sell compressed 2 cubic foot bags of aspen that expand to 5 cubic feet for $12.99. I am pretty sure you can get this in your local petco store as well. I get large size bags of aspen bedding at petco.
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