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What's wrong with this kid?

Wow. Is the 5 year old going to be living in your house while seeing the therapist?!? I hope this doesn't come out as rude but if he is, dear god help the piggers!
Yeah, he had left the night before to go to another town. Don't know how it started- pretty sure it was kids. Burned down completely .
I know this is kind off mean, but my brother SERIOUSLY has issues. He is 5 and used to go around kicking our cats and jumping up and scaring bromers. So I told him god would punish him if he was mean to my animals and he got scared and wont evan look at them without asking me. Try that.
RubyPiggie2, I'm sooooo sorry for you and your family, for the loss, and for you now that you are living with the child that caused the accident. Therapy is right... I almost cried reading your first post. I hope all goes well with your family and getting a new house. The class might not do any good for him. Highland sounds like something the family needs to consider... May everything go well from now till they move out, and hopefully they can pull things together with the arrival of the new baby.
Can you explain if this was just an accident like a child playing with matches kind of thing or did he purposely set it and what other negative behaviors he regularly displays? At 5 years old many children do some acting out but if he is purposely setting fires, hurting others, lying, stealing, or things like this then it is probably best to have him see a therapist. And don't settle for just any therapist or the first you may find. Therapists are like doctors so you should shop around until you find one that you "click" with and feel right with. I have worked with disturbed and even violent children for many years and the earlier intervention happens the better the end results tend to be.

The behaviors you described in the first post send up red flags and can possibly be indicative of some very serious issues not just for the 5 yr old but for the entire family. Hopefully if they decide to go to a therapist they will do family therapy because often this can be very helpful to everyone involved. I hope things work out for you and everyone and I would suggest keeping a close eye on your pets for awhile just in case.
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Well, they're all gone- Randy and Jesse dis-respected my mother and called her nasty things, resulting in the cops coming over to help my mom kick them out because they wouldn't leave. I'm glad they're gone, personally, because they didn't give two butts that we were taking them in and letting them live in our house for a while.
Dont blame you there ruby. If anything, they should have gotten down on their knees and kisses her feet for letting them stay with her at all. Jeez. You wonder what other peopler are thinking sometimes. I also agree with John. That child needs help desparatly as well as the parents before he gets bigger and does even worse things.
I am sorry to hear of the situation Ruby. It sounds to me as though Caleb needs helps. If he is doing these things deliberately, no fire prevention class is going to help. He needs to be put into a behavioral hospital and be taught that these behaviors are bad. I am speaking from experience. My oldest son has lived pretty close to half of his life in behavioral hospitals. He is doing much better now, but he used to do some horrible things. He took butcher knives after me, his brother, his ex-step dad and tried to kill us, he would beat his brother up badly, he got in fights at school and screamed and cursed at teachers. Those are just some of the things he did. He never tried to burn the house down, but he did play with matches and lighters if we didn't keep them put up where he couldn't get to them. My son has other problems as well, but he has what are called "anger" seizures. It's a real condition that is similar to epilepsy.
Ly&Pigs, what exactly are anger seizures?
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