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Behavior What's with the head butting?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 7, 2012
My little girl will butt my hand or arm with the top of her head when I am holding her. She doesn't seem mad or upset and she doesn't "say" anything. I assume she wants down on the floor to play when she does this. Any ideas?
she may not want you to hold her that way, usually it's their polite way of saying no thank you...at least my Pebbles is like that.
I figured that was the case. Just wanted to make sure. She is young and I think she only wants to sit still in my lap for a few minutes...the floor is soooo much more fun to explore.
they also do that to move things around..I've noticed after cleaning their cage, when I put all their things back in, I'll put the pigloo in the corner, next time I look in, it's in the middle of the cage! It is quite cute to see how they'll arrange things the way they like!
Yes, she has done that to my arm or leg to try to crawl under it. Our whole family loves to sit and watch her. She is better than TV any day!
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