I've been using Crown Animal Bedding for a while. I get in a huge bag and find it very economical. It's very easy to see the wet spots and I just scoop these out every day and replace with a few handfuls of new bedding. Very easy to use. I used to use Aspen and the wood chips were light and they ended up all over the floor and I couldn't see the wet spots and it cost more too...
I use about 1 inch of aspen with a coating of carefresh on top, and news papers cvering the bottom below the bedding. I've gotten a fifty liter bag of aspen from our local pet supply store for about 5.oo.
I tried towels for a while, but found it not very absorbent. Elvis was running around with a wet bum all day and I always doing laundry. But it certainly wished it had worked better because the bedding didn't end up on the floor and I wasn't sweeping constantly. How do you get the towels to work, Piglet? How often do you change them?