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General What to do when I first get them?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 6, 2011
I'm getting two guinea pigs this week.
I want to know what to do with it for the first few days.
people say just leave them & let them explore there surroundings & other people say it's okay to hold them.

How do I get them used to me?
I wouldn't hold them for the first few days. Stand or sit by the cage and talk to them gently. Put your hands in, but don't chase them or attempt to catch them. If there's something special they like to eat, put it down in front of a hidey and let them come get it.

After you've done this for a few days, cut holes in the end of a shoe box, put a treat in it, and gently shoo them in. Put your hands over the holes and lift the box out to your lap. Take the pig out, and wrap it lightly in a towel or blanket so it has somewhere to hide. Pet it and talk to it gently, and offer it something good to eat. Cilantro and dill are good things to start with. Do this a couple of times a day if you have time.

Patience, gentleness, and lots of yummy food will win your pig over. Have fun!
Congratulations! Waiting is so hard!
When I got Penny, I left her the first day, but I sat with her while she was in her cage for like hours, since her cage is on the floor (it's only a small petsmart cage right now, until I can figure out how to fit coroplast in my car!). So I sat on the floor reading and studying, and talking softly to her whenever she'd come out of her pigloo. I actually fell asleep on my floor that night, haha!
The next night she was much more relaxed and curious, so I brought her out for floor time so she could run around and get exercise. She isn't very skittish at all though, and didn't seem scared. But I had fun cardboard tubes and brown paper bags for her to play with =D
We just got ours on Thursday. Although the science teacher we got our babies from held them every day, they are still skittish - new home and all. My home is suffering because I'm spending so much time in front of the cage and talking to them!!! What seems to perk mine up are veggies - cilantro and green pepper are new to their diet and they quickly learned the sound of their treat ball means awesome goodies. I saw another post on here where cilantro was referred to a "piggy crack" and the phrase fits. They've already started eating out of our hands. To hold ours and still make them feel safe, I'm covering them with some fleece while we hold them, and hand feeding them their veggie treats so they start to see it as a pleasant experience! Good luck! I just love my little boys!
This link might help you figure out how to get your coroplast home. It teaches you how to roll it without bending it or damaging it. Good Luck!

Rolling Coroplast - Guinea Pig Cage Photos

Thank you Catahoula!! They told me that it wasn't possible to roll coroplast, and offered to deliver it (a whole mile away) for $15. I'm actually considering building a c&C cage while I'm home, then transporting it back to Harrisonburg, because today, I finally found a potential second guinea pig on criagist! :)
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